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Legal document. Location: Tehran ('on the river Zu l-Qarnayn'). Dated: Tuesday, 16 Av 5673 AM, which is 1913 CE. Concerning the sending of a bill …
لا توجد ثبت المراجع والمصادر
The bill of divorce that is the subject of JRL Gaster heb. ms 1636/12a.
Table of contents of a literary work: sermon(?) funebre, sermon moral, orden de la oracion, sermon penitencial, vindiciae judeorum, A Short Demurrer to the Jewes, …
Non-Geniza. Legal document sent from Lublin to Troki (טראקא). Dated: 1577 CE.
Hebrew medical treatise, including Chapter 18 on the development of the embryo.
Non-Geniza. Recto: Letter in Latin dated 1777 CE regarding the funeral of Elisabeth Slulcowa. Surrounded with text in Hebrew script and in a Slavic language. …
Non-Geniza. Letter from the Qaraite community of Jerusalem to the Qaraite community of Troki (אטרוקא). Dated: 1646 CE.
Non-Geniza. Letter from Yiṣḥaq b. Shelomo (1755–1826) to the ḥakhams Shemuel Kohen and Yosef Shelomo, in Yevpatoria (גוזלווא). Dated: 1820 CE. Contains an intricate legal …
Non-Geniza. Letter from Yiṣḥaq b. Shelomo (1755–1826) to Yosef Shelomo b. Moshe Lutzki, in Yevpatoria. Dated: 1820 CE. Information from NLI.
Non-Geniza. Letter from Yiṣḥaq b. Shelomo (1755–1826) to Simḥa Yiṣḥaq Lutzki. Information from NLI.
Non-Geniza probably. Letter or letters. At least one is dated: 22 Nisan 5581 AM, which is 1821 CE.
Non-Geniza, probably. There are six items sharing this shelfmark.97/1: Crimean. Story in Hebrew about events that took place in 1760 involving Khan Qirim Giray and …
Non-Geniza. List of manuscripts in the library of Shelomo Halberstam.
Non-Geniza. Prayer for the health of Nicholas I and his family (19th c).
Non-Geniza. Letter from Minsk, 1877 CE.
Non-Geniza, probably. Private letter in Yiddish.
Non-Geniza. Letter dated 1808 CE. In Hebrew and perhaps another language.
Non-Geniza. Letter dated 1849 CE. Regarding the coronation of a hasidic rebbe by the community of מזירוב.
Non-Geniza. Poem for the coronation of Alexander II (1856 CE).
Non-Geniza. Business document from Poznan.
Non-Geniza, probably. An exchange of letters written as Hebrew poetry.
Non-Geniza. Notebook of the ḥevra qadisha in Uman (Ukraine). 1774-1836 CE. Information from NLI.
Non-Geniza. Notebook of the ḥevra qadisha in Uman (Ukraine). 1831 CE. Information from NLI.
Non-Geniza. Merchant's notebook in Yiddish. 19th century. Nearly 100 pages. Information from NLI.
Non-Geniza. Will of Natan Emrich. 1678 CE. Information from NLI.
Non-Geniza. Letter to Avraham b. Aharon of Troki. 1680 CE. (Information from NLI.)
Non-Geniza. Letter from Simḥa b. Ẓadoq, in Lutzk, to his wife Shelomit bt. Yosef ha-Zaqen, in Halych. Dated: 1802 CE.
Non-Geniza. Letter from Shemuel to Yiṣḥaq b. Avraham, in Ponevezh (Panevėžys). Dating: Catalogued as 1739 CE.
Non-Geniza. Legal document or documents. Dating: Catalouged as 1779 CE.
Letter or letters. Ashkenazi. Dating: 1836 CE. Needs examination.
Non-Geniza. Letter addressed to Shalom b. Simḥa, in שאטא/Szaty/Šėta. Dating: Catalogued as 1735 CE.
Non-Geniza. Letter from Avraham b. Simḥa, in Kukeziv (Ukraine), to Sar Shalom b. Simḥa, in Novgorod. 1719 CE. Information from NLI.
Non-Geniza. Letter from Avraham b. Yaʿaqov to Yehuda b. Moshe. In Hebrew, Ashkenazi hand. Dated: 10 Adar II 5570 AM, which is 1810 CE.
Non-Geniza. Letter from the community of Veliky Novgorod (? עיר חדשה) to the community of Brisk (=Brest). In Hebrew. Dealing with distressing edicts and a …
Non-Geniza. Letter from Shemuel, in Halych, to his son Yosef b. Shemuel in יפה יער(?). In Hebrew. Information from NLI.
Non-Geniza. Letter from Moshe b. Yaʿaqov to Simḥa b. Ẓadoq. Dated: 1731 CE.
Non-Geniza. Letter from Yosef b. Shemuel to Yosef b. Moshe ha-Hazzan, in Lutzk. Dated: 1806 CE.
Non-Geniza. Letter from Yosef Shelomo b. Moshe Lutzki to Shemuel b. Yeshuʿa. Dated: 1801 CE.
Non-Geniza probably. Letter addressed to Simḥa ha-Ḥakham ha-Ḥazzan, in Istanbul. Mentions a previous letter sent to Yevpatoria (גוזלווא). Dated: 1809 CE.
Non-Geniza. Letter from Shalom b. Yeshuʿa, in Halych (העליץ), to Yosef b. Moshe, in Lutzk (לוצק). Requesting a recommendation. Dated: 1755 CE.
Prayer for Moses Montefiore, composed by Shabbetay Elḥanan טריויש in 1840/41 CE. Printed in Trieste in 1845/46 CE. There are many additional names in the …
Prayer for Queen Victoria, Albert, and Edward Prince of Wales. Calligraphic, multicolored, in the shape of an orb, and written in both Hebrew and English. …
Non-Geniza. Letter from Simḥa b. Shelomo ha-Qusdini, in Istanbul, to Yiṣḥaq b. Shelomo, in Chufut-Kale (קירקייר), Crimea (קירים האי). Dated: 1789 CE.
Non-Geniza. Letter from Moshe b. Simḥa, in Lutsk, to Shelomo Yedidya, in Troki. Dating: Catalogued as 1726 CE.
Non-Geniza. Letter addressed to the Qaraite judge Shemuel b. Avraham, in Troki. Dating: Probably 5560 AM, which is 1800 CE.
List of notables of the Karaite community. Location: Probably Chufut-Kale, Crimea (and not Cairo, as catalogued). Dated: 18 Iyyar 5565 AM, which is 1805 CE. …
Non-Geniza. List of historical events spanning the years 1680–1730 CE involving the Crimean Khanate and the Ottoman Empire. In Hebrew.
Non-Geniza. Legal document. Agreement between the Qaraite and Rabbanite congregations in Lithuania (specifically Samogitia?) concerning taxation. Dated: 1654 CE.
Note to Moses Gaster, in Hebrew, concerning a delay in the delivery of a crate.
Letter of condolence from Yiṣḥaq b. Shelomo ha-Maskil to the brothers Binyamin and Yeshuʿa b. Shelomo. In Hebrew. Dated: Monday, 14 Heshvan 5571 AM, which …