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Ketubba. Groom: Meʾir b. Yakhin (a well-known cantor and communal official). Bride: Muʿazzaza bt. Mevorakh, a divorcee. Location: Fustat. Dating: the 4th of a month, …
لا توجد ثبت المراجع والمصادر
Ketubba (marriage contract) fragment describing that one-third of a house is given to a daughter upon marriage, on the condition that it would become her …
3 نسخ 1 مناقشة
Draft of a ketubba from Fusṭāṭ. Dated: Tuesday, 13 Tishrei 1613 Seleucid = 16 September 1301 CE, written under the authority of the Nagid Avraham …
.Marriage document. Minute fragment, damaged and creased from a ketubah. Only a few words from the dowry list are preserved. Judeo-Arabic. AA. Needs preservation.
Marriage document. A torn and damaged Karaite ketubah. Although no complete sentences have survived, from the remaining words and phrases we can be sure that …
Marriage document. Damaged and creased document. Contains list of items, commonly found in dowry lists included or attached to a ketubah. Here, not as usual, …
Marriage document. Draft of a prenuptial agreement, by Ḥalfon b. Menashshe ha-Levi. Damaged. Aramaic. AA
Marriage contract. Dating: Probably 11th century. Groom: Ṣāfī b. ʿAbdallāh, freedman of the elder Abū l-Faḍl Ibrāhīm b. ʿAbd al-Karīm al-Anbārī. Bride: Dhakhīra (or Dhukhayra) …
الله العمدة
ثبت في ديوان الحكم الموفق lلمعمور
..... بمال ثمنه معروف (؟)
بسم الله الرحم...
God is the support. It was registered in the archives of the prospering court .....
. .... money of a known amount.
In the name ...
1 نسخ 1 ترجمة
Unsigned deed. Location: Fustat. Dated: last decade of Iyyar 1528 = April/May 1217 CE. This is a second version of ENA 2559.13 (PGPID 6594), and …
עדויות על יחוס.
2 نسخين 1 ترجمة 1 مناقشة
Very damaged and faded marriage agreement written by Mevurakh b. Nathan (Date: 1150-1181). Some lines from the dowry list is visible, and also few of …
Karaite betrothal deed. Date: 28 Nisan 5533 AM (1773 CE). The groom is Yosef b. Yiṣḥaq known as Ḥakīm and the bride Qamr b. Yeshūʿa. …
1 نسخ
Fragment of a ketubba of the groom Yefet b. Avraham from Alexandria signed by Avraham b. Yaʿaqov. Dated ca. 1100. (Information from Mediterranean Society, IV, …
1 نسخ 1 مناقشة
Karaite betrothal deed from the 1 Sivan 5347 AM. The groom Yisrael Hakohen b. Shemuel. The bride Esther d. Shemuel Ibn Yahya. The groom is …
Karaite marriage agreement between Hananya b. Ya'aqov Halevi and Esther known as 'Aziza d. Eliyyahu b. Sa'adya. Date: 2 Nisan 5576 AM (1816 CE). As …
Dowry deed from Fustat, October 1171 CE (17 Heshvan 1483 Seleucid). It was customary to bring together all the objects of the dowry and to …
Small fragment from an engagement deed, written under the authority of Netanel Halevi, based on the phrase נסיכנו ונשיא אלהים ב[תוכנו]. AA
1 نسخ 1 ترجمة 1 مناقشة
Legal document. According to Ashtor, "an agreement concerning a levirate marriage, second half of the 15th century." However the basis for the dating is not …
Fragment of a marriage contract (ketubba). Dating: Likely 10th century, based on handwriting. This fragment begins toward the end of the dowry list. Groom: Saʿīd. …
הדה מליחה בתולתה ...
and this Mr. Saʿīd, the groom, and this Malīḥa, his wife,
agreed and fixed between themselves ketubba stipulations according to the...
Segment of a ketubba (marriage contract), in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe ha-Levi.
2 نسخين 1 مناقشة
Fragment of a marriage contract between ʿEzra b. Menahem and Jawhara bt. [...], a virgin. Dating: mid-11th century, since ʿEzra b. Menaḥem signed T-S 10J28.2 …
Narrative in Judaeo-Arabic, including dialogue between a man and a woman concerning marriage. Also mentions a female slave. (Information in part from CUDL)
This copy of a marriage contract from a record book from the Palestinian synagogue of Fustat is written on four pages of two folios consisting …
Fragment of a marriage contract listing items such as a pair of golden ‘dablas’ (a ring without a stone). The notation “’lq” opens the jewelry …
Court record. Location: Fustat. Dated: last decade of Shevaṭ 1459 Seleucid = January 1148 CE. The cantor Bū l-Ḥasan b. Naḥman confesses to have beaten …
Karaite betrothal deed from Cairo. Dated 15 Sivan 5519 AM (1759). The betrothal involves the groom Yosef b. Gedalya b. Aharon aka Ṣaʿīr and the …
Karaite betrothal deed. Dated 25 Sivan 5556 AM (1796 CE). The groom Moshe ha-Kohen taking upon himself not to marry another wife for 20 years, …
Marriage contract. Location: Cairo. Dated: Thursday, 15 Sivan 5566 AM, which is 1806 CE. Groom: David Karo b. Binyamin. Bride; Malīḥa bt. Yaʿaqov Romano. Sum …
Formulary for a marriage contract, Qaraite/interdenominational. Dated: 1036 CE, at the time of Ṣemaḥ Nasi. One sheet is possibly missing in between, and with it …
Marriage contract. Dated: Sunday, 14 Tishrei 5557 AM = 16 October 1796 CE. Location: New Cairo. Groom: David Gabbay b. Seʿadya. Bride: ביתו bt. Khalīfa …
Ketubba (marriage contract) fragment that begins with the clause setting forth the wife’s obligations (to serve, etc.) and concludes with a dowry list. A minimum …
Legal agreement between spouses on the issue of second wife, in the hand of Natan b. Shemuel Ha-Ḥaver, Fustat. The groom, Saʿadya b. Siman Tov, …
Marriage contract (ketubba) concerning a wealthy and influential family. Dated: 18 Kislev [48]41, which is 1080 CE. (Gil thinks 4741 AM and 979/80 CE.) The …
Recto: Legal document. Location: Alexandria, based in part on the names of the people involved. Dated: 22 Sivan (4)802 AM = 15 June 1042 CE. …
Outline of a marriage document and/or dowry evaluation (taqwīm). Groom: Levi b. אמר(?). Bride: Ittifāq, a freedwoman. Marriage payments: 1+ 10. The dowry follows; the …
Marriage contract between Eli b. Qimoy and Sutayt b. Yair, written by Shemarya b. Elhanan. Dated 1306/ 994-5. (Information from Bareket, Shafrir misrayim, p. 272)
Testimony of woman, Sittuna bt. Hayyim, about her husband, Faraḥ b. Bānūqa, who left her "a widow in his lifetime" (ʿaguna). She is indigent because …
The] testimony which to[ok pla]ce before us, we, the undersigned witnesses to this deed [of appointment]:
Sittūna bt. Ḥayyīm b. Solomon,...
Monetary agreement between a newly married couple. Yehuda b. Simha married Sarah d. Elzafan, and her father took upon himself to pay her dowry in …
Marriage contract (ketubba). Dated: 23 Shevaṭ 1393 Seleucid (= 1082 CE). Location: Probably New Cairo. Groom: the nasi and head of the Jews David b. …
Karaite betrothal deed. The groom, Ḥayyīm b. Nissīm known as Revaḥ, taking upon himself not to marry another wife for 10 years, except in the …
Ketubba (marriage contract) fragment, clearly in the Palestinian tradition. Dated 1034 CE (Elul 4794 AM). The groom is Yefet b. Avraham.
Writ of agency written in Tyre, approximately 1025. Description from PGPID 22171: A Karaite legal deed in which the bride, Dhukhr, who is in Tyre, …
Marriage contract (ketubba) from Tyre, ca. 1079.
Legal document in Arabic script. Agreement between Ḥasan b. Hārūn and his father-in-law Ḥasan b. Isḥāq b. Mūsā concerning Ḥasan's fiancee Maḥfūẓa bt. Ḥasan b. …
2 نسخين
Marriage contract (ketubba). Written and signed by Ḥalfon b. Menashshe ha-Levi (1100–38 CE). Dated: 1444 Seleucid = 1132/33 CE. Groom: Shemuel aka Ismāʿīl b. Yosef. …
Two pieces of one ketubba. Bride: Umm al-Faraj, the virgin. Groom: Toviah b. ___. The dowry list includes a gold drop choker (worth 5 dinars), …
Marriage document. An ornamented ketubah from Cairo "[near] Fusṭāt Miṣrayīm on the river Nile." Despite the damage to the document, this locational formula can be …
A Karaite engagement deed recorded in the home of Shemuʾel b. Yeshūʿa Melamed (probably the brother of one of the witnesses listed). Dated Wednesday, 15 …
Legal document regarding the transfer of marital payments and trousseau items between David known as Naqāsh, father of the bride ʿAzīza, and the groom Shalom …
Marriage contract (ketubba). One of the very few Byzantine ketubbot to have survived. Location: Mastaura, on the Meander River (in Asia Minor). Dated: Friday, 4 …
2 نسخين 1 ترجمة 2 مناقشتان
Marriage contract from Damascus between ʿEli b. Wahīb and Hiba bt. Yonah. Early: 5 dinars worth of jewelry. Late: 20 dinars. Dowry: 237 dinars, plus …
אלפין ושת מ[און]