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Magical fragment. From top down: 1 line of names in Hebrew (Elʿazar, Hillel, Shela, Yefet, ʿEli); 4 rows of magical symbols; 1 line in Judaeo-Arabic, …
لا توجد ثبت المراجع والمصادر
Magical text. Written in a mixture of Arabic script and Judaeo-Arabic.
Magical text written in a striking melange of Hebrew script, Arabic script, and nonsense script. The main instructions are in Judaeo-Arabic. The practitioner is to …
Bifolium from an Arabic work, mostly consisting of prayers and verses from the Quran and names of God, but also including a line of probably-magical …
Recipes, probably medical or alchemical, in Arabic script, accompanied with pious invocations and some magical characters.
A leaf from a book of segulot in Ladino and Hebrew.
Tables for divination in Arabic script. Late.
Page from a Hebrew paramedical treatise. One of the remaining sections is on the segulot/virtues of various parts of the hoopoe.
Leaf from a magical treatise, including illustrations of Senoy, Sansenoy and Semangelof.
Recto: An amulet or talisman for protection, beginning with a chapter on charms and protections "bāb al-ḥirz l-aʿẓam". Verso: Magical recipe or charm involving an …
Prescriptions or recipes in Judaeo-Arabic and Aramaic. "Instructions, mostly in Judeo-Arabic for preparations of different remedies. In the margin of the recto are instructions for …
A love spell/amulet for {Ḥayyim the son of ʿAzīza} and {Senyora the daughter of {Ashkenaz and {Sara the daughter of {Senyora and {Ḥayyim the son …
Spell for protection while traveling. Very late. Verso is full of Yiddish text, probably related.
Moshe b. Levi ha-Levi agrees to bring to court a husband and his wife, the latter being accused of frightening another man's wife with practices …
1 نسخ 1 مناقشة
Note from Abū Thābit al-Ṣayrafī to a certain Rabbenu Shemuel asking him to declare a ban of excommunication against whoever cast a spell on someone …
A transliterated Latin prayer (borrowed from a Christian thief-catching ordeal), an Arabic version of a gnostic saying of Secundus the Silent Philosopher, a Hebrew praise …
Magical recipes for attaining love. "The first among these magical recipes is intended to ensure a great affection between a wife and her husband, erasing …
[ ] כל סטנא שיש [ב]לבו יהפך לאהבה וירחם יתה וישא חן וחסד
[ כיו]סף בפני פרעה מלך מצרים וכאסתר לפני המלך אחשורוש
[ ] פ'ב'פ' תשא חן וחסד ו...
1 نسخ 1 ترجمة
Recto: Accounts in Arabic. Verso: Formulary for a love spell in Judaeo-Arabic, Hebrew, and Aramaic.
Magical recipe written in Arabic and Hebrew. The Arabic script reads "ṣifa kāghaḍa (=kāghadh) saḥiḥa wa-hiya lā tataghayyar wa-taṣnaʿ minhā mā shiʾt" on verso. Part …
Document in Arabic script. Two very narrow vertical strips filled with rudimentary Arabic script. Likely magical, but this is based entirely on appearance rather than …
Magical amulet, to be hung up it seems (scalloped top edge, like a plaque), with the formula "Senoy Sansenoy Semangelof Adam ve-Hava Lilit Hutz." In …
Magical amulet, to be hung up it seems (scalloped top edge, like a plaque), with the formula "Senoy Sansenoy Semangelof Adam ve-Hava Lilit ḥuṣ." Same …
Amulet to make Yosef b. Amira (also known as Yosef b. Efrayim) return quickly to Fustat. The angels are called upon to not let him …
Kabbalistic menora surrounded by floral motifs composed of micrography. Visually arresting. Also massive: 51.5 x 37 cm and missing at least ⅓ from the top.
Magical text copied by Ibn Yiju, probably in Yemen around 1135. The text begins with a magical square (cf. sudoku) of which every line, row …
[ח] [א] [ו]
Magical spells, 1 for arousing love (tahayyuj) and 1 for binding someone's tongue (ʿaqd lisān). Probably in the hand of Abū Sahl Levi (see tag). …
Diagrams, text, and calculations of an astrological/astronomical nature, perhaps also magical. Arabic, late.
Medical treatise in Judaeo-Arabic. Bifolium from a Judaeo-Arabic paramedical treatise on the virtues of various kinds of animal substances. ¶ . . . grind it …
Medical treatise in Hebrew, 8 pages, with magical/astrological/demonic elements.
An amulet in quirky Arabic script. The main section is Quran 3:18.
Palimpsest. The earlier text is extremely faded; it is in Judaeo-Arabic and at least partially deals with recipes or prescriptions. The later text is also …
Occult text in Arabic script. Mentions the jinns, the shayāṭīn, al-waswās al-khannās (from Quran 114:4).
Amulet to protect Maṣliaḥ ha-Kohen gaʾon b. Shelomo gaʾon (1127–39 CE), destroy his political enemies, and succeed before the government. (Information from CUDL)
Notebook with diverse contents. Late. There are several pages of detailed accounts in Judaeo-Arabic, and at least two pages of magical spells in Judaeo-Persian. ASE.
Spell of destruction. In Judaeo-Arabic and Aramaic, with a postscript in Arabic script ("for killing, very useful"). See Niessen, F., & Bohak, G. (2007). ‘Destroy …
Ketubba, Palestinian, dated to the 10th or early 11th century. Reused for a magical text in Hebrew. Unusually, the later scribe also wrote over the …
1 نسخ 1 ترجمة 1 مناقشة
A magical deed of divorce (geṭ), from ʿImrān b. Mordekhay of Muʿizziyya (= New Cairo?) to Ḥabība bt. [...] followed by a spell to open …
1 مناقشة
Accounts in Arabic script with names and numbers arranged in neat columns. Needs examination. The space around this document has been filled with Judaeo-Arabic text …
Two or three amulets containing remarkable illustrations: a demon with a tail, tutu, scepter, horns, and curly hair; a seated woman; and a man being …
Book of legal formularies and some literary text. Bifolium. The spaces remaining at the bottom of two of the pages are filled in with magical …
P1: f. 1r: description of a dream dated 525 AH (= 1130 CE); f. 1v: alchemical recipe called ‘the operation of mixture’; f. 2r: invocation …
Magical recipes in Judaeo-Arabic and Arabic script and magical script. Including a birth control recipe: "If you want a woman not to become pregnant. . …
Template fragment of a divination/magical charm starting with a few words of prayers followed by a spell: "fulān b. fulān". Then: 'blind his heart and …
Story of illicit love involving a woman named Hind and her husband, a man named Bishr and an old woman. Cf. H. T. Norris, "The …
1 نسخ
Recipes for effecting desired results with Psalms (shimmush tehillim).
Bifolium, probably from a literary compendium. Dating: Late, possibly 18th or 19th century. Two of the pages are a story about a female slave and …
Magical fragment. In Judaeo-Arabic and Arabic script. Dating: Unknown. It says Wednesday, 16 Adar 5005 AM, which is 1245 CE, but the scribe might have …
Letter from Mordekhai ha-Levi Mizraḥi, probably in Meron or Safed, to Agha Meir b. Eliyyahu, unknown location. The letter continues onto the upper part of …
Letter from Mordekhai ha-Levi Mizraḥi, probably in Meron or Safed, to Moshe Ḥayyim and Yiṣḥaq Ḥayyim, unknown location. This fragment also contains the end of …
Astrological instructions for a doctor regarding how to know the illness of a patient by using the constellation of the stars at the time of …