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Letter drafts in Judaeo-Arabic from an unknown sender to Yaʿaqov Maṣlīaḥ. Dated 15 Tammuz 5578 AM which is 1818 CE. There is writing on Page …
لا توجد ثبت المراجع والمصادر
12369.7 and 8 are drafts of several Judaeo-Arabic letters and documents by Yisrael al-Gevili (אלגוילי) writing in Cairo it seems circa 1755/6 CE (the lower …
1 نسخ
Letter from Avraham Hamān and Gavriel Ḥefeẓ to Karo y Frances & Company. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dated: Elul (Raḥamim) 5569 AM, which is 1809 CE. Needs …
Letter from Avraham Hamān and Gavriel Ḥefeẓ to Karo y Frances & Company. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dated: 5567 AM, which is 1806/07 CE. Needs examination for …
Letter from Avraham Hamān and Gavriel Ḥefeẓ to [Karo y Frances] & Company. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dated: Adar 5568 AM, which is 1807/08 CE. Needs examination …
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic from David ben Naʿim, who also wrote JRL Series L 205. Dated 10 Heshvan [55]80 AM which is 1819 CE. ASE.
Business letter to Karo y Frances from Nissim M[...], c. 1800 CE. (Information from CUDL)
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic to Yaʿaqov Yuʿbaṣ, dated 3 June 1825 CE (17 Sivan 5585 AM), with additional writing on verso. Sender: Sezano Konpanyia (Compania).
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic from a certain Yehudah [...] to Karo y Frances & Company, dated 1807 CE (17 Heshvan 5568 AM).
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic fron Nissim Masos (?) to Shimʿon Frances.
Beginning of a late Judaeo-Arabic business letter (abandoned after 6 lines), listing a number of goods the writer has to sent to his "brother."
Recto: Two late letter drafts (or two versions of the same letter?), one in Arabic and one in Judaeo-Arabic. Needs further examination. Verso: Accounts. The …
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic, mentioning Marseilles (? מרסליה). Dated 1 Heshvan [5]446 AM (1685 CE).
Late Judaeo-Arabic record of funds raised, perhaps from the Sephardic congregation. Names include Yosef Fārūkhī (?) and Yaʿaqov Portos and Kuḥla [...].
Short letter in Judaeo-Arabic from [...] Goren to David ben Naʿim dated 9 November 1820 (3 Kislev 5581). Reused for accounts.
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic to Se[nyores] Karo y Frances from Nissim Mshīsh. Dated Kislev [55]69 AM (בסט= in the [year] 69) which is 1808 CE. …
Letter from an unknown writer, in Damascus, to his parents. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dated: Thursday, 25 Tammuz 5341 AM = 1581 CE (unless we are only …
Letter from Moshe b. Naʿim to his father Me'ir b. Naʿim. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dated: 3 Heshvan 5584 AM, which is 1823 CE. The letter is …
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic to Merkado Karo and Shimʿon Frances (of Karo y Frances & Company). Fragment: missing the lower part.
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic, dated Heshvan 5568 AM (1807 CE), from Shelomo Cesana Konpanya to Karo & Frances & Company (numerous letters to the same …
Late document in Judaeo-Arabic addressed Karo y Frances & Company (see tag). There does not appear to be an actual letter left, but Page 1 …
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic from [...] ben Naʿim to Me'ir ben Naʿim, dated Nisan 1821 CE (5581). There are some sums on Page 3 along …
Late letter(s) in Judaeo-Arabic to Yaʿaqov Yuʿbaṣ.
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic to Karo y Frances & Company.
Half of a letter in Judaeo-Arabic from Meir b. Naʿim to David b. Naʿim, appears to be dated August 1823 (Elul 5583).
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic from Moshe ben Naʿim in Alexandria, to his father Me'ir ben Naʿim and to Se[nyor] David ben Naʿim in Cairo. The …
Fragment of a letter in Judaeo-Arabic to ha-Dayyan ha-Meẓuyan, Me'ir ben Naʿim, dated Aug/Sept 1824 CE (Elul 5584).
Recto: Large fragment of a late (18th/19th c) business letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Verso: A short note signed by Yisakhar Groso (?) and Yehuda b. (?) …
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Probably 18th or 19th century. Mentions Jerusalem. From a certain Mordekhay al-Baḥrī[?] to Merkada and Brahem Diyalo[?] (דייאלו). Possibly a North …
Mysterious document. Late. In Judaeo-Arabic. There are two lines of Judaeo-Arabic poetry about "ahl al-hawā." There follows the Hebrew alphabet. There follow three lists of …
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic in a late hand from the 16th-19th centuries with entries designated according to the "masruf / expenses" of individual people such as …
Late letter draft (fragment) in Judaeo-Arabic that is probably 18th or 19th c. The contents of the draft include the common opening phrase that appears …
Late business letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Mentions R. Shemuel Būnyāl (l. 10, main body). In line 12 there's mention of "fearing what occurred[?] with the money …
Legal document. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dated: 8 Elul 5588 AM = 1243 AH, which is 1828 CE. Involves Nissim ha-Levi b. Yequtiel and Menashshe b. Yūsuf …
Popular literature (nawādir) in Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Probably 19th century.
There are ~10 documents sharing this shelfmark. 546/9: Letter from the Qaraite community of Damascus (specifically Yosef ha-Kohen Khāṭir) to the Qaraite community of Fustat/Cairo …
Numerous pages of a handbook filled with someone's exercises for learning to write either Arabic or Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Unknown, probably Ottoman era. Of documentary interest …
Late letter addressed to Merkado Karo and Shim'on Frances. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dated: 26 Shevat 5567 AM (1807 CE). Information from Wagner, Linguistic Variety of Judaeo-Arabic, …
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic from Nissim M[...] to Karo y Frances & Company. Dated 11 Adar [5]568 AM (1808 CE).
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic (16th century per FGP) from Yosef b. Adīda (?) to Yefet b. Farḥān regarding flax shipments. People named include ʿAbd al-Karīm …
Letter from Avraham Hamān and Gavriel Ḥefez to Karo y Frances & Company. Dated: 1 Elul, 5568 AM, which is 1808 CE. (Someone wrote the …
Accounts with Arabic numerals, highly detailed and well-preserved. All of the columns list sums in Ottoman kurush (ق symbol) which helps to date this document …
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic to Karo y Frances & Company from Nissim Mshīsh.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic in which the heading's recto includes the term "מאצריפ", which may indicate these are outstanding expenses related to the "deceased Nissim Mosseri" …
Page from register of Hebrew-language legal documents dating from Tishrei 5491AM = September/October 1730CE. The first document on the recto references the inheritance of a …
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic from Moshe Bibas, Rashid, to Karo y Frances & Company, Fustat/Cairo. Longer than usual
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Dated 7 Elul [5]577 AM which is 1817 CE . From Yosef ha-Levi, Fustat/Cairo, to Yaʿaqov Yuʿbaṣ and Mordekhai Ḥako (?), Damietta …
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic to Yūsuf Yaʿīsh Ḥadād in Alexandria, it seems to be from his mother Simḥa. Dated 7 Kislev [5]604 AM which is …
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic to Karo y Frances & Company. A Yehezqel Ḥefeẓ is mentioned in the last couple lines.