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1616 نتائج
  1. 1501نصوص أدبيّةNLI 577.1/29

    Literary text, in Arabic script. Part of the text contains an epistolary exchange written in verses, full of expressions of heartsickness and longing. The extract …


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  2. 1502وثيقة رسميّةENA 3951.7

    Tax receipt, Ayyubid. Dated: 7 Muḥarram 607 AH = 1 July 1210 CE. The payment is made (min jihat) by a government employee (al-mustakhdam); the …


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  3. 1503وثيقة رسميّةAIU IV.A.211

    First eight lines of a letter addressed to a dignitary ("mawlāya ʾadāma llāh ʿizzah fi ʾamrihi wa-masʾalat mukātabat"), in a chancery-trained hand. Possibly dealing with …


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  4. 1504وثيقة رسميّةBodl. MS heb. d 66/10

    Fiscal document, top and bottom missing. Refers to kharāj payments for the year 437 kharājī (about five lines up from the bottom of the page); …


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  5. 1505رسالةJRL Gaster ar. 120

    Mercantile letter, in Arabic script, late. The sender, Muḥammad al-Firqī(?) expresses his affection for the addressees Shimʿon Francis and Ishāq Suwāris, probably European names, and …


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  6. 1506ثيقة شرعيّةENA 3631.8

    Legal document, 12 lines, in Arabic script, dated 4th Muḥarram al-Ḥarām of an undecipherable year [8..?]. Concerning [...] b. al-Muʿallim Ṣadaqa the Samaritan Jew, a …


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  7. 1507ثيقة شرعيّةCUL Or.1080 J117

    Bill of sale dated December 481/1088 (original document), in which Khulayf b. ʿUbayd b. ʿAlī sells a house to Hārūn b. Khulayf b. Hārūn, the …

    Additional notes to the deed of sale (receipt)

    1. دفعة في ربيع/جمادى الاول سبع دنانير    دفعة في رجب ثلث دنانير
    2.                                      ...


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  8. 1508وثيقة رسميّةT-S H5.115

    State document in Arabic script. Three lines and the last word of a fourth are preserved. Mentions titles of the judge Abū Isḥaq (al-qāḍī al-rashīd …

    ... new, and trustworthy regarding people and property, a name is required

    that gathers together all these epithets so that he may be distinguished...


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  9. 1509وثيقة رسميّةENA 3943.7

    Tax receipt, mentioning the tax was credited towards the treasury. Trigger/subtype: "waṣala li-bayt al-māl."


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  10. 1510وثيقة رسميّةENA NS 71.12

    Tax receipt, Fatimid, from the archive of Abū l-Ḥasan b. Wahab with a registration mark "al-ḥamdu lil-lāh ʿalā niʿamih" dated 25 dhū l-ḥijja 403. On …


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  11. 1511وثيقة رسميّةAIU XII.92

    State document. Dated: 26 Ramaḍān 524 AH = 2 September 1130 CE. A makhzūma (a type of official account) concerning the construction of a new …


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  12. 1512ثيقة شرعيّةT-S Ar.53.73

    Deed of sale in Arabic script. Dated: 22 Rabīʿ II 717 AH = 4 July 1317 CE. Buyer: Isḥāq b. Manṣūr b. Abū Sahl the …


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  13. 1513وثيقة رسميّةENA 3926.9

    Fiscal register (possibly equivalent to what al-Makhzūmī and Ibn Mammātī call a rūznāmaj). Contains multiple entries, each with a date and a sum. Each entry …


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  14. 1514ثيقة شرعيّةT-S Misc.6.113

    Iqrār, though in some ways resembles a state document with fiscal content. In Arabic script. 16 full and 4 half lines on paper. Fiscal hand, …


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  15. 1515رسالةENA NS 71.23

    Letter, probably a correspondence between two officials, in Arabic script, with the "inhāʾ" formula and tarjama. The sender reports (yunhī) on a man who owes …


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  16. 1516وثيقة رسميّةDK 284.1

    Rotulus. 4 Arabic-script fragments were pasted together to form a long rotulus for a Hebrew literary text on verso. Text 1 is a decree (wide …


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  17. 1517وثيقة رسميّةENA 3972.28

    Tax receipt, Fatimid.


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  18. 1518وثيقة رسميّةMoss. IXa,2.68

    Tax receipt for the capitation of Ibrāhīm b. Ṣadaqa in Fustat for the year 526 AH. Amount: ½ dīnār (the lowest rate). Jahbadh: Hibat Allāh. …

    Recto, top right

    1. المبلغ نصف
    2. الحمد لله حمد الشاكرين

    Recto, top left

    1. الحمد لله حمد الشاكرين

    Recto, main text

    1. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    2. ادى ابراهيم ...


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  19. 1519وثيقة رسميّةBL OR 5566B.19

    Petition from al-Ḥasan b. Abū Saʿd probably to a vizier (several of the titles are similar to those of Ṭalāʾiʿ Ibn Ruzzīk). He complains of …

    1. المملوك

    2. الحسن بن ابو سعد

    3. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    4. خلد الله تعالى ايام المجلس السامي السيدي الاجلي الناصري

    5. الـعادلي ناصر الائمة كاشف ا...

    1. The slave
    2. al-Ḥasan b. Abū Saʿd  
    3. In the name of God, the merciful, the compassionate
    4. May God, may he be exalted, prolong the days of the lofty, lo...


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  20. 1520قائمة/جدولENA 3943.13

    Mercantile memorandum or bill of lading (tadhkira) in Arabic script. Listing items that were shipped with a certain captain (al-rayyis... al-Ḥayfī) for Abū Ṭāhir b. …


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  21. 1521ثيقة شرعيّةENA 3982.55

    A 13th/19th-century Ottoman era debt acknowledgment document with a seal. Muḥammad Ḥusain acknowledges (aqarra wa ashada) in his sound mind that he owes 900 Kuruş …

    1. لما كان في يوم الخميس المبارك في ٢٦ محرم سنه ٦٠[١٢]

    2. اقر واشهد على نفسه وهو في حال 

    3. خيرته المعلم محمد حسين الى المعلم

    4.  حييم النصري انه يكون ...


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  22. 1522وثيقة رسميّةT-S Ar.34.197

    Petition, draft, from an ex-government servant asking for work, from the period of the Fatimid caliph al-Ḥākim (996–1021) or possibly earlier. Recto, from later reuse: …


    1.   عـ[ـبدها ]

    2. [بسم الله ا]لرحمن الرحيم

    3. [عبدها ومملوكها ينهـ]ـي الى جلالها حرس الله عزها وضاعف سعدتها

    4. [وكبت حسادها وضعفها] وينهي انه من...


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  23. 1523Credit instrument or private receiptENA NS 33.30

    Rental document, in Arabic script, possibly a receipt of transportation of unspecified goods, dated to the month of Rabīʿ al-Awwal 1259/April 1843. The name of …


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  24. 1524وثيقة رسميّةT-S Ar.42.51

    Recto: An account related to the production of cane sugar. The warrantors (ḍumanāʾ) of a sugarcane plantation have received 56 ⅙ ḍarības of sugarcane (1,348,080 …


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  25. 1525وثيقة رسميّةT-S Ar.34.197

    Tax receipt, Fatimid, in the hand of Mikhaʾil b. ʿAbd al-Masiḥ, from the caliphate of al-Ḥakim.


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  26. 1526ثيقة شرعيّةAIU XI.258

    A draft version of the same legal query to a jurist (istiftāʾ) as in T-S Ar.41.105 (edited by Geoffrey Khan, Arabic Legal and Administrative Documents, …

    1. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    2. ما يقول الشيخ الامام العالم العامل الزاهد الورع الامين عماد الدين

    3. اقضا قضاة المسلمين مفتي دولة امير المؤمنين وفقه الله...


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  27. 1527وثيقة رسميّةENA 3939.6

    Recto: Report fragment, 7 lines. The sender mentions a group of people who came before him and pledged their allegiance (...ʿindī mudhʿinīn muslimīn ilayya qāʾimīn …


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  28. 1528وثيقة رسميّةENA 3953.1

    Receipt for the capitation tax of Mubārak b. Ibrāhīm Ibn Sabrā, in Fustat. After the basmala, the trigger phrase is "tadhkira bism" (memorandum/receipt in the …


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  29. 1529وثيقة رسميّةBL OR 12312.10 + BL OR 12312.11

    State decree. Three fragmentary lines from the end of a chancery decree, probably addressed to a provincial official, mentions majlis al-naẓar (refer al-Qalqashandī, Ṣubḥ al-Āʿshā …


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  30. 1530وثيقة رسميّةENA 3931.7

    Tax receipt in the hand of the jahbadh Mīkhāʾīl b. ʿAbd al-Masīḥ for the tax farm of Abū l-Ḥasan b. Wahb. Reused on verso for …


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  31. 1531نصوص أدبيّةENA 3918.18

    First page of a treatise of phlebotomy regarding nomenclature, names, and the number of blood veins (360) in a human body according to Galen and …


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  32. 1532وثيقة رسميّةENA 3942.3

    Tax receipt from the archive of Abū l-Ḥasan b. Wahb. The date on the receipt, 402, is the year for which the tax was paid, …


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  33. 1533وثيقة رسميّةENA 3944.3

    Tax receipt, sixth century AH. Trigger: addā. Written by and for the same people as ENA 3944.4 (PGPID 10466), but registered and authenticated by different …


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  34. 1534رسالةENA 3958.6

    Letter from Manṣūr(?) b. [...] possibly to a younger relative Yūsuf (وينهي ان المملوك مشتاق الى خدمة ولده يوسف). In Arabic script. Looks like a …


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  35. 1535رسالةENA 3958.3

    Family letter in Arabic script, from a distant man to his children and wife. Dating: Probably Mamluk era, or possibly early Ottoman era, based on …


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  36. 1536وثيقة رسميّةAIU XII.3

    Receipt for the capitation tax of Musāfir b. Yūsuf in New Cairo for the year 502, beginning 'tadhkira bism.' At the top, registration marks related …


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  37. 1537وثيقة رسميّةNLI 577.1/59

    Upper left fragment: Official correspondence in Arabic script. The document is probably written for a recent convert to Islam from Samṭā (on the Nile delta). …


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  38. 1538Credit instrument or private receiptMoss. VII,148.2

    Tiny fragment containing an order for an ounce of ʿaqīd (a dense sugar syrup). In Judaeo-Arabic. From Abū Zikrī Kohen? There is one line in …


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  39. 1539رسالةENA 3961.9

    Beginning of a petition -tarjama, basmala, formulae, on the right side 4 lines diagonally- from a Jewish woman (al-mamlūka [...] Abū l-Majd Ibn al-Ḥaver). In …


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  40. 1540وثيقة رسميّةBodl. MS heb. b 11/7

    Fiscal document, in Arabic script. Large format with 16 lines preserved, marginal notes, and crossings out. The document is an internal fiscal Fatimid accounting document …


    1 نسخ

    • 7 verso
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  41. 1541وثيقة رسميّةCUL Or.1080 J80

    Petition to a Fatimid dignitary regarding a theft of money. The archer Manṣūr b. Zakī al-Dawla (or: Rukn al-Dawla, which seems more likely given al-Maqrīzī's …


    1.                     المملوك 
    2.                     منصور بن زكى الدولة
    3.                      احد الرماة تحت ركابها
    4.                      السعيد
    5. ...


    1. The slave
    2. Manṣūr ibn Zakī al-Dawla,
    3. one of the archers under the commander of his
    4. auspicious horse guard.
    5. In the name of God, the merciful a...


    1 نسخ 1 ترجمة

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  42. 1542رسالةT-S AS 180.140

    Jewish communal letter in Arabic script. Mostly in Arabic language, with at least one word in Hebrew (اليشوعا, v8). Opens with blessings for the caliph …


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  43. 1543وثيقة رسميّةMoss. VII,10.1

    Verso (original use): Fragment from a Fatimid decree of investiture for Abū l-Bayān Mūsā and another person, appointed rightfully (بما يقتضيه العدل ويوجبه الحق) to …


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  44. 1544وثيقة رسميّةENA 3844.14

    State document, possibly a decree. Suggests orders conferred upon an authority: hayʾat (?) l-muṭālaʿa wa-l-āʿmāl bihā. There is Arabic script in another not-so-elegant hand and …


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  45. 1545وثيقة رسميّةT-S Ar.22.140 + T-S K25.221

    Report to a Fatimid vizier. Dating: fifth/eleventh century. Khan published T-S K25.221 as the end of petition. Marina Rustow later found the join to the …

    Lower fragment

    1. ولمولانا الوزير الأجل صفى أمير المؤمنين وخالصته ادام الله علاه وكبت اعداه 

    2. الراى العالي في ذلك ان شا الله

    3. والحمد لله وصلواته ع...

    1. To my master, the mighty vizier, the sincere and intimate friend of the commander of the faithful, may God cause his exaltation to endure and cru...


    2 نسخين 2 ترجمتين

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  46. 1546رسالةENA NS 2.37

    Letter, fragmentary, from Eli Ha-Kohen b. Ezekiel, Jerusalem, to Eli Ha-Ḥaver b. Amram in Fustat written in his own hand. Eli Ha-Kohen expresses his anxiety …


    1. [אטאל אללה בקא מולאי החבר המ]עולה ואדאם עזה ותאידה
    2. [ קד עלם] אללה שוגל קלבי בך ובמא
    3. [ ]י ממא טלבת למא קד
    4. [ ]לו אסמיתה בשי זאדת
    5. [ ]א עליה וכאן ...


    2 نسخين 1 مناقشة

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  47. 1547رسالةMoss. IV,40.3

    Recto: Legal query for a qāḍī in Arabic script regarding a man "known for ḥujaj" (unpaid promissory notes?), and there are several testimonies against him, …


    1.    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم     
    2. ما يقول مولاي القاضي الفقيه المخلص النبيه جمال العلـ[ـما
    3. وفقه الله لما يرضيه في رجل معترف في حجج معاملـ[ـة
    4. وع...


    1 نسخ

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  48. 1548وثيقة رسميّةT-S Misc.8.67 + Halper 465

    Two fragments from the middle and bottom of a petition to a vizier. Dating: likely 1051–62 CE, as Daniel b. ʿAzarya seems to be Gaʾon …


    1. . . . ها فيها في كف القوم الذين قد ذكر رجالهم عما يعتمدون وقصرهم [
    2. عنه والامر بالشد من الـداوودي وتقوية يده ومنته وتنفيذ كلمته
    3. لـيستثمر بذلك...


    1 نسخ

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  49. 1549وثيقة رسميّةENA 1177.76

    State document, fragment of a longer text, dismembered at the collesis. What has remained is wa-mā tawfīqī illā bi-l-lāh. Possibly Ayyubid (tawfīqī billāh was an …


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  50. 1550وثيقة رسميّةT-S NS 321.47

    Fatimid-era petition. From Muʿammar [...] al-Tūnisī, in trouble on account of the capitation tax. He says he does not have enough money to buy food …


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