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Recto: Excerpts from Ecclesiastes. Verso: A list of books that the writer was asked to prepare (or obtain?) for somebody. The Talmud, printed in Salonica …
لا توجد ثبت المراجع والمصادر
Recto: The title page with illuminated capitals of Sefer Eliyyah Mizraḥi ʿal ha-Torah, printed by Itzik ben Leib Buchbinder in Fürth, 1763. There is an …
Text of the oath that Bū ʿImrān must swear to his brother Abū l-Maʿānī concerning his mercantile activities, the price of a house, and the …
2 نسخين 1 مناقشة
Most of a legal query about Reuven who sold to Shimʿon a copy of the Halakhot of a certain Rav Yiṣḥaq but the book was …
Recto: Booklist in Arabic script listing individual Epistles (of the Brethren of Purity) that have been copied and bound and into how many majallāt and …
Letter from Moshe b. Nissim to an unknown addressee. In Judaeo-Arabic. He asks the addressee to sell on his behalf four copies of th She'eltot …
1 نسخ 1 مناقشة
Legal document / ownership note for a codex of the Torah. Location: Baghdad. Dated: Friday, 13 Iyyar 1360 Seleucid, which is 1049 CE. In Judaeo-Arabic …
Note by Shelomo b. Eliyyahu to a scribe, also named Shelomo, in an urgent tone, to finish the copying of certain books including the targum …
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Unknown writer, unknown addressee. Dating: Likely early 13th century. The writer asks for the copy of Seder Neziqim that has the gemara …
A Hebrew note from a bookseller to a potential buyer, listing several books and giving final prices for them (in qurūsh). The books include "Zutah" …
Letter from Shelomo b. Elʿazar, in the Fayyūm, to a certain Shelomo. In Judaeo-Arabic, beautiful written. Dating: likely 13th or 14th century. He conveys the …
1 مناقشة
Letter from Yiṣḥaq (Izak) b. Avraham, in Safed, to a certain Moshe, in Fustat/Cairo. In Hebrew. Dated: 13 Heshvan 5333, which is 20 October 1572 …
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Possibly recorded by a bookseller and, based on one type of coinage in use, the yüzlük ("יוזליס" l.3r), the document dates probably …
Draft of a Hebrew letter from Moshe b. Levi ha-Levi to a distinguished physician also named Moshe (but probably not Maimonides because Moshe b. Levi …
Letter from Abū Manṣur to his 'brother' Abū Saʿd. Mainly in Judaeo-Arabic. The addressee has promised to come for Rosh Hashana. The sender has sent …
Verso: Statement in Judaeo-Arabic that a list of two, apparently newly acquired books should be "recorded on a memorandum (tunqal ilā tadhkira)" and brought to …
1 نسخ
Inventory of books. Dating: Likely 13th century. Mentions a book in the handwriting of al-Shaykh Abū l-ʿIzz, whom Frenkel identifies as possibly identical with Abū …
1 نسخ 1 ترجمة
Letter from Nissim b. Shela to the teacher Yiṣḥaq b. Ḥayyim Nafūsī. In Judaeo-Arabic. Contains detailed information about the sending and selling of books. People …
Colophon in the handwriting of Evyatar Ha-Kohen b. Eliyyahu Gaon.
Verso: Letter addressed to a certain Abū l-Faraj. In Judaeo-Arabic. The writer has been sick ever since he last saw the addressee, and his illness …
Recto: List of sums promised or paid (the entries crossed out), ranging from 1/8 to 6 1/2, mostly in fractions, wherefore in cases in which …
1 نسخ 1 ترجمة 1 مناقشة
Detailed but incomplete letter to an army doctor, possibly from his son-in-law, end of the 11th century. Contains many details about accounts, selling of books, …
Flyleaf of a codex containing the Rosh to Gittin, labeled in a 19th century hand: "Purchased from Rabbi [Nachman Natan] Coronel May 15 1848. Price …
Bodl. MS heb. f 22/19–52 is a notebook of a notary and bookseller, containing drafts of legal deeds, some of them dated (1155, 1159, 1160, …
Court record. Dated: 1408 Seleucid, which is 1096/97 CE. Of a dispute between Abū ʿImrān Moshe b. Moshe Ibn Majjān and Abū l-Faḍl Yosef b. …
1 نسخ 2 مناقشتان
Mercantile memorandum or bill of lading (tadhkira) in Arabic script. Listing items that were shipped with a certain captain (al-rayyis... al-Ḥayfī) for Abū Ṭāhir b. …
Letter. In Hebrew. Eliyya b. Elyaqim, in Crete, writes to Moshe b. Yehuda, in Alexandria. Dating: 1484 CE (written in the document in the Italian …
Letter from ʿIwaḍ to Peraḥya the judge. In Judaeo-Arabic and Hebrew, with the address in Arabic script and Hebrew. Written on a very long strip …
Letter from Efrayim b. Isḥāq, in Alexandria, to Nahray b. Nissim, in Fustat. Dating: Ca. 1070 CE. The writer owns several apartments in Alexandria and …
וצל כתאב מולאי אלחבר אלגליל גדול הישיבה נטרוהי מן שמיא וגברוהי למזלי ווקפת עליה ושכרת אללה
גל אסמה עלי מא תצמנה מן עלם סלאמתה וסאלתה אדאמ...
Letter in Arabic script, in a beautiful hand. Dating: 11th century, based on the reference to the Tustaris. The sender is a professional scribe, probably …
Letter. In Hebrew. Eliyya b. Elyaqim, in Damietta, writes to Moshe b. Yehuda, in Alexandria. The writer signs only his first name on this letter, …
Letter (possibly) from Moshe b. Yehuda, addressed to a certain Saʿīd. Dated: 23rd of the ʿOmer מטר, i.e., 5249 AM (probably), which is 1489 CE. …
Colophon in a commentary to the book of Isaiah, mentioning that the book had formerly belonged to Yaʿaqov he-haver b. Ayyub and was purchased from …
Records of book sales, in the hand of Shelomo b. Eliyyahu. Dated: Monday, 16 Tammuz 1540 Seleucid = 9 July 1229 CE. "To increase their …
3 نسخ 1 مناقشة
Colophon to R. Saadya Gaon's commentary to one of the prayers (תפילת שמונה עשרה), written in Ashkelon in 1061. Verso: the beginning of R. Saadya …
Letter from a certain Yiṣḥaq to Yosef b. Shabbetay al-Rūmī, Fustat. In Judaeo-Arabic. Very deferential, filled with language of patroange (e.g. li-l-mawlā ʿuluww al-ra'y fī …
2 نسخين
Letter in the hand of Shelomo b. Shemuel b. Saʿadya ha-Levi addressed to a judge. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: 1221–52 CE, as it mentions Crusaders ("Franks") …
Letter from Mevasser b. David in Damsis to Nahray b. Nissim in Fustat, ca. 1053. The main issue discussed in the letter is an argument …
כתאבי יאסידי ומולאי אטאל אללה בקאך ואדאם סלאמתך וסעאדתך וכלאיתך מן
דמסיס יום ערובה סכות אעאדה אללה עליה אעואם כתירה תזכה לביאת גואל
2 نسخين 1 ترجمة 1 مناقشة
Letter from the physician Yosef, in Alexandria, to the physician Abū l-Faraj b. Abū l-Barakāt (c/o Abū l-Faraj al-Sharābī), in al-Sūq al-Kabir, Fustat. In Judaeo-Arabic, …
1 نسخ 1 ترجمة 2 مناقشتان
Letter from Abū Yūsuf, unknown location, to Rabbi Elʿazar (body of the letter) who is likely identical with Abū l-Manṣūr b. al-Muʿallima (address), presumably in …
Letter from a woman, in Fustat, to her son Abū l-Maḥāsin, in Funduq al-Qamra, Alexandria. Dictated to Abū Manṣūr. Likely belongs with T-S 10J19.26 (PGPID …