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عوامل التصفية

125 نتائج

  1. 51

    رسالةT-S 10J21.7

    Verso: Letter from Ṭāhir b. Ibrāhīm (=Ṭahor b. Avraham) to Eliyyahu the Judge. In Arabic script with interspersed words and phrases in Hebrew. Needs examination.

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  2. 52

    رسالةT-S AS 152.125

    Recto: Possibly a letter fragment. There are three different sizes of writing, in Hebrew and Judaeo-Arabic. Refers to a scholar ('ha-gadol ba-talmud') and the year …

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  3. 53

    رسالةT-S Ar.3.3

    Letter from Moshe ha-Kohen to Yeshuʿa ha-Sar, care of Abū l-ʿIzz in the market of the goldsmiths (sūq al-ṣāgha) in Fusṭāṭ. Mainly in Arabic script, …

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  4. 54

    رسالةT-S 16.6

    Verso: Letter in Arabic script. Dating: possibly late 11th century, based on Frenkel's identification of the addressee. An unidentified sender wrote this letter to a …

    1. باسم الله الرحمن الرحيم كتابي يا اخي اطال الله بقاك وادام عزك وجعلني فداك عن سلامة والحمد لله ولم يزل قلبي معلق بك الى אן ורד פציל וערפני
    2. انه لقيك...

    1 نسخ 1 مناقشة


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  5. 55

    رسالةT-S Ar.39.126

    Letter from Musāfir b. Wahb b. Pinḥas (aka Araḥ b. Natan) to Abū l-Faḍl Thābit b. Hibatallāh Rosh ha-Qehilot (a.k.a. Yakhin b. Netanʾel). In Arabic …


    1. حضرة مولاي الشيخ الاجل ابو الفضل ثابت(؟) بن هبة اللة
    2. ראש הקהילות זכר צדיק לברכה
    3. اطال اللة بقاها وادام تاييدها وعلاها
    4. مملوكها يقبل يدها
    5. مساف...

    1 نسخ 1 مناقشة


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  6. 56

    رسالةENA 4009.14

    Letter to Yosef b. Yaʿaqov called 'zaqen ha-gola' and rosh kalla. The sender may be Mufarrij b. Ṣāliḥ al-Baghdādī the tax farmer for the capitation …

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  7. 57

    رسالةT-S 12.837

    Letter of appeal for charity, written in a mixture of Hebrew, Arabic, and Judaeo-Arabic. The addressee is Abū ʿImrān Moshe b. Shela. The sender explains …

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  8. 58

    رسالةT-S NS J436

    Note in a mixture of Arabic and Judaeo-Arabic to a certain Nasi asking for money for various communal expenses and mentioning the judge and the …

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  9. 59

    رسالةT-S AS 149.28

    Letter to Moshe b. Nissim (or Moshe b. Labrāṭ?). In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: 11th or early 12th century. Fragment (left side of recto). The addressee is …

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  10. 60

    ثيقة شرعيّةT-S 8.212

    Digest of a partnership contract for a period of one year between Abū ʿAlī b. David and Netanʾel b. Nadiv. Written mainly in Judaeo-Arabic, but …

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  11. 61

    رسالةT-S AS 215.358

    Family letter in Judaeo-Arabic, with the last two lines in Arabic script. Elegant handwriting. Dating: Likely 12th or 13th century. Fragment (right side only). Mentions …

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  12. 62

    قائمة/جدولT-S NS 297.79

    Commercial accounts in a mixture of Judaeo-Arabic and Arabic script (also Greek/Coptic numerals).

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  13. 63

    رسالةENA NS 83.395

    Address of a letter to the judge Eliyahhu b. Zekharya. In Arabic script with רבי אליה in Hebrew script. None of the letter is preserved.

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  14. 64

    قائمة/جدولT-S AS 179.145

    List of valuable items, mainly garments, in both Judaeo-Arabic and Arabic script. Possibly related to a trousseau list.

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  15. 65

    نصّ غير أدبيّT-S NS 312.1

    Recto: Narrative in a mixture of Arabic script and Hebrew script. Unclear how literary it is. FGP says that it is a Karaite work that …

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  16. 66

    رسالةT-S NS 297.243

    Recto: Possibly the top of an official letter in Arabic script. Reused for jottings all over the margins in Arabic and Hebrew script. Verso: Bottom …

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  17. 67

    قائمة/جدولT-S Misc.26.51

    Probably a communal account for wheat distribution. Mainly in Arabic script, with some interspersed Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Likely 12th or 13th century. Several women are named. …

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  18. 68

    رسالةENA 3919.7

    Letter fragment, mainly in Arabic script with one phrase in Hebrew on verso (רבינו ברוך יהי לעד). Dating: probably 11th or 12th century. Faded and …

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  19. 69

    رسالةT-S Ar.7.3(1)

    Letter from Abū Manṣūr to his 'father' (it seems father-in-law) al-Rayyis Hibatallāh the judge, representative of the Nagid David, in Alexandria: Dating: Based on the …


    1. من عند ابو
    2. منصور
    3. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    4. كتابي الى الوالد العزيز الموفق السعيد
    5. اطال الله بقاه وادام عزه ونعماه
    6. ومن حسن التوفيق لا اخلاه وجمعن...

    1 نسخ 1 مناقشة


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  20. 70

    رسالةENA 3975.1

    Letter in Arabic and Hebrew script dated 438 AH (1046/1047 CE). The opening politesse consists of many lines in Arabic script in a calligraphic chancery …

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  21. 71

    رسالةT-S NS 321.83

    Recto: Draft of the beginning of a letter to Daniel b. ʿAzarya the exilarch. Verso: Praises for God in Arabic, with biblical verses in Hebrew …

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  22. 72

    نصوص أدبيّةENA 3509.3

    Leaf from a geographic treatise written in a combination of Judaeo-Arabic and Arabic script.

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    • recto
    • verso
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  23. 73

    رسالةBL OR 5566D.10

    Fragment of a trade letter in mixed Hebrew and Arabic script (Arabic for sliding blessings only) requesting a suftaja. Gil attributes tentatively to Daniel b. …

    1. אלגליל אבו אלעלא אלמבארך בן אסחק מעהם ינגזה גמלה ادام الله حراسته
    2. וישתריה מן מצר ומבלג תמנה מ]אתי[ דינארא וכתאבי [ ]קאם
    3. להדא אלסייד אלגלילבמאיה די...

    1 نسخ


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  24. 74

    رسالةCUL Or.1080 J155

    Letter from Shelomo b. Eliyyahu to his father Eliyyahu the Judge. In Arabic script, with isolated words and part of the address in Hebrew. Very …

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  25. 75

    ثيقة شرعيّةJRL Gaster ar. 564

    Legal document, probably, in Arabic and Hebrew script. Mentions "fī manʿ shahāda". Needs examination.

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    • 1 / 2 leaves, recto
    • 1 / 2 leaves, verso
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  26. 76

    نصوص أدبيّةENA 2985.1–2

    Mysterious text with alternating lines of Hebrew script (mostly Aramaic, it seems) and Arabic script, many or all of which are glosses on the former. …

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  27. 77

    ثيقة شرعيّةT-S 10J10.2

    Legal document: Bill of indemnity or deathbed declaration; fragment. Begins in Hebrew and continues in Arabic script. The subject declares that he has no assets, …

    1. נפשי מדבר שהיה לי קדם ואפלו פרוטה לא נותרה בידי אלא
    2. אני מטריח עליו כל ימי חיי ומממנותיו אני חי ולולי רחמי שמים
    3. ובן אחי יוסף דנן הוצרכתי לישראל עתה...

    1 نسخ 1 مناقشة


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  28. 78

    رسالةBL OR 5566D.34

    Recto: The lower part of a letter mostly in Arabic (concluding blessings in Hebrew and Judaeo-Arabic) from a parent to a son. The addressee is …

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  29. 79

    رسالةT-S Ar.40.65

    Letter in Arabic script. Fragment. There is one name in Hebrew script (אלמהראני); the addressee is called "my son" (yā waladī); and the writer mentions …

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  30. 80

    رسالةT-S Ar.41.88

    Business letter to a certain Abū l-Munā. In Arabic script with one word in Judaeo-Arabic.


    1. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    2. وصل كتاب حضرة مولاي الشيخ الجليل والولد العزيز اطال الله بقاها وادام تاييدها 
    3. وعلاها ورفعتها وسناها وسموها وارتقاها و...

    1 نسخ


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  31. 81

    نصّ غير أدبيّT-S Ar.30.227

    Medical prescriptions/recipes in a striking mix of Arabic and Judaeo-Arabic, sometimes alternating in the same sentence. Two of the recipes are taken from al-Malikī (of …

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  32. 82

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S NS 171.28

    Petition addressed to a Jewish dignitary. Dating unknown. The document is mainly in Arabic script but interspersed with biblical quotations and phrases in Hebrew. The …

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  33. 83

    رسالةHalper 484

    Letter in Arabic script. Addressed to [...] al-Ḥakīm, the physician of the amīr Jamāl al-Dīn Aḥmad. Dating: Likely ca. 13th century. The writer seems to …

    1 نسخ


    • p. 2
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  34. 84

    ثيقة شرعيّةENA 3936.6

    Jottings of accounts and calendrical notations in a mixture of Arabic script, Greek/Coptic numerals, and Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Probably 12th or 13th century, based on handwriting. …

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    • recto
    • verso
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  35. 85

    رسالةT-S AS 178.39

    Complete letter in Arabic script, with a single phrase in Hebrew (وحق אנא השם). Dating: Likely Ayyubid-era based on the layout and handwriting. Addressed to …

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  36. 86

    نصوص أدبيّةT-S NS 306.8

    Poetry in which the lines alternate between Hebrew and Arabic. See also T-S NS 274.17 (PGPID 34763).

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  37. 87

    نصوص أدبيّةT-S NS 274.17

    Poem/piyyut, the last 10 lines alternating between Hebrew and Arabic. (Information from FGP.) See also T-S NS 306.8 (PGPID 38275).

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  38. 88

    رسالةT-S Ar.39.353

    Letter that begins in Arabic script and transitions to Judaeo-Arabic (right margin and verso). It begins, "After I wrote the Hebrew letter..." (بعد ما كتبت …

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  39. 89

    رسالةCUL Or.1080 15.73

    Letter of condolence in Judaeo-Arabic and Hebrew to a certain Abū l-Ḥasan al-Mubārak b. [ʿIyad?]. On the death of a woman in his family (אלאשה …

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  40. 90

    Credit instrument or private receiptT-S AS 184.56

    Recto: Order of payment. Written mainly in Arabic script with Hebrew characters for the "emet" at the top, שצ after the name, and "ve-shalom" and …

    1. . . .      𐋥     אמת
    2. الشيخ ابي النجم الفرناس שצ
    3. يوصل لموصلها //خمسة// دراهم سوه
    4. برسم عن دار البرج من كل بد
    5. ושלום


    1. בתאריך ח
    2. סיון
    3. ישע יקרב

    1 نسخ


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  41. 91

    نصوص أدبيّةT-S AS 124.224

    Poetry in a mixture of Hebrew and Arabic. (Information from CUDL.)

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  42. 92

    رسالةT-S AS 181.72

    Letter in Arabic script, with several phrases in Hebrew mixed in. The writer may be named Abū l-Faraj (upper right of recto, although this is …

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  43. 93

    Credit instrument or private receiptT-S AS 183.320

    Order of payment. In Arabic script. Bū l-Najm al-Firnās (the parnas) is to pay the bearer a sum of money (10 nuqra dirhams?). Ends with …

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  44. 94

    رسالةT-S 12.32

    Highly fulsome letter of praise, consisting of 12 lines of praise in Hebrew, followed by 5 lines of Arabic script containing the actual content of …

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  45. 95

    رسالةp. Heid. Hebr. 13

    Letter from a scholar and muqaddam (Aodeh identifies him as Avraham b. Ṣedaqa but does not explain why) to Abū Saʿīd Netanʾel b. Ṣedaqa the …

    2 نسخين 1 مناقشة


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  46. 96

    Credit instrument or private receiptENA NS 83.338

    Order or receipt in Arabic script with Judaeo-Arabic annotations for 2 dinars for [...] Makkī(?) al-Khabbāz from Yehuda b. Yosef (presumably this is Abū Zikrī …

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  47. 97

    رسالةHUC 1018

    Letter fragment in the hand of Daniel b. ʿAzarya or his clerk. Conveying communal news and mentioning Abu ʿAlī and enemies. Should be checked against …

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  48. 98

    ثيقة شرعيّةT-S AS 149.135

    Legal testimony in Arabic script, in which someone declares that he longer owes any money to someone. One of the parties is named Abū l-Munā. …

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  49. 99

    رسالةT-S 10J20.15

    Letter written in a mixture of Hebrew and Arabic script. Various blessings and Bible citations are rendered in Hebrew script, whereas the main part is …

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  50. 100

    رسالةENA 1822a.64

    Letter addressed to Menaḥem the physician, in the horseshoers' market (fī al-musammirīn) in Fustat or New Cairo. Mainly in Judaeo-Arabic, with the first five lines …


    1. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    2. كتابي الى الولد العزيز
    3. اطال الله بقاه وادام عزه
    4. ونعماه ومن حسن التوفيق
    5. لا اخلاه وجمعنا واياه
    6. עלי אסר חאל במנה
    7. וכרמה ...

    1 نسخ 1 مناقشة


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