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Long state document with extremely large calligraphic Arabic script, probably used as a performative decree, which was later cut down and reused for Hebrew script. …
لا توجد ثبت المراجع والمصادر
State document, fiscal register. Mentions several amounts in dīnār. Reused for Hebrew Piyyut. (Compare AIU IV.C.453, T-S NS 243.75a, T-S NS 198.61, BL OR 5566B.3, …
Legal document. In Arabic script. Dated: 8 Jumādā II 907. A (sale?) contract beginning with "qabaḍ al-muʿallim Aḥmad b. Yūsuf" concerning several people, one of …
1 مناقشة
Fiscal document, in Arabic script. Refers to two iqṭāʿs (على الاقطاعين المذكورين). The last line bears a date that may be 403 AH or 430 …
Accounts, in Arabic script. Needs examination.
State document, in Arabic script. Addressed to two addressed in a dual tense. The sender is in Damsīs. Dating: 11th or 12th century. Reused for …
1 نسخ
State document, in Arabic script in a chancery hand. The beginnings of two lines are preserved: "wa-lammā uṭliqat al-[...]... wa-ʿalā kāfat al-mamālīk...." Reused for Hebrew …
Legal document written by a Muslim notary, bottom half only. Contains three witnesses' attestations, dated 562 (?). On verso, written in various directions, there are …
Medical treatise, probably prescriptions. New sections begin with rubricated headings which are smudged and difficult to read.
Literary text, in Arabic script. Small Arabic characters, in not a very legible script, maybe a prayer. Three bold and large lines read: حرر الى …
Legal document, in Arabic script, late. Probably a transaction between Yeshūʿa the Jew and Bilāl Agha Kujrātī (?) recorded at the dīwān anwāl al-ḥarīr in …
A folio from the commentary (sharḥ) of ʿAbd al-Ḥaqq b. Ibrāhīm al-Andalusī al-Muznī's "risālat al-sabʿīn" or a folio from another work that refers to his …
Fragment of a legal document, 6 lines, not very legible script. Indication of a default in loan repayment on the first due date (ākhiruhā yatluhu …
Official state correspondence, beginning of two wide lines, chancery hand "al-ʿabd al-mamlūk". List or table on verso, requires examination.
Official-looking document in Arabic script. Mentions dīwān in the first line, fiscal-related. Needs examination.
Letter from Abū l-ʿAlā b. Hiba Abū l-Ḥasan(?) to Abū Saʿīd b. Abū Naṣr al-Mafjār (?) mentioning a letter that contained information regarding a mysterious …
State document, wide-line spaced, fragmentary. Mentions the arrival of a group "wa-waṣalat al-jamāʿa", and maybe barley "al-shaʿīr". Also mentions the beginning of a date "in …
Legal document in Arabic script, fragment, 7 lines. Dating: Ottoman or possibly late Mamluk era. Mentions people such as Niʿmat (or Nūr?) al-Dīn, [...] b. …
Legal document, fragmentary, probably dating to the classical Geniza period. The preserved text reads as " kulluhu zūr wa-bāṭil wa-ẓulm".
Fragment of a petition in Arabic script, interspersed with Arabic script in the wide spaces what seems like a draft of a letter or just …
]وسعادته لمضافرته ومطالبته؟
]افدته يعزمه مظهر/بعزمه يظهر لي وله قواها
] للنجاج باولاها واخراها
] يعمل عليها وصدره حالا ...
Letter fragment, 20 lines, well preserved. The writer at the beginning of the letter mentions a sale that did not reap any profits (lam yūlij …
. ـعه اليه ووجهي منه يسقط حيا{ء} لانه يعلم كيف جرى امره في ابتياعها
وانه لم يولج في شي منها حبة واحدة وبالله ...
Accounts, in Arabic script.
Verso (original use): Fragment of a state document, three lines of Arabic in a chancery hand. The date of the tawqīʿ is Dhul Qaʿda (3)70?
Ottoman-era legal document or letter with legal import, in Arabic script. Probably demanding for a sum of money to be paid in dirhams. Needs examination.
First five lines of a letter in Arabic script from a parent to his son, including basmala and words of prayers. Separate text on verso, …
Accounts. Needs examination.
Document in a chancery hand, wide line spacing, parts of four lines preserved from somewhere toward the middle of the page top to bottom. Generous …
Possibly a letter (on verso: يا سيدي). But shape, layout and recto-verso similiarity suggest it may be a literary text. Washed and damaged, difficult to …
Accounts in Arabic script. Substantial sums (10, 15, 25 dinars) expressed in word. Some names. ابو عبد الله (lower right) may have bought a book.
Document in Arabic script, perhaps a state petition, beginning with "wa l-mamlūk yasʾal l-tawfīq" and mentions a wall "ṣūr"; reused for poetry in Judaeo-Arabic (see …
List, with each line starting with the name of a judge or other distinguished person bearing titles ending in al-Dīn (so probably 12th century or …
Accounts. Mentions fruits "apples" and "pomegranates". Needs examination.
Verso: unidentified document type, in Arabic script. Mentions a name and few sums. Recto is mainly pen trials.
Unidentified text, in Arabic script. Probably accounts. Needs examination.
Recto: Probably a fragment of a letter in Arabic, very damaged. Legible words include "the lamp/saddle maker" (السراج)." Verso: Probably a fragment of a Hebrew …
Recto Letter fragment. In Arabic script, with very large letters mentioning prior correspondence. The sender appears to be asking the addressee to graciously send him …
State document, in Arabic script. One line in a chancery hand. Mentions farming and possibly the Egyptian village of Banī Murra (near Asyūṭ) — although …
Unidentified text in Arabic script. Maybe draft or writing practice.
Fiscal document. Needs examination.
Legal document, an iqrār, beginning with "aqarr", in Arabic script. An unrelated faded document in Arabic script on verso. Needs examination.
Legal document, or accounts for the month of Jumādā I and Jumādā II. Needs examination.
Unidentified text, in Arabic script.
State document, likely a report, in Arabic script. The sender seems to be referring to an order of payments and also mentions "al-dīwān" atleast two …
Medical text, in Arabic script. Begins with a basmala and new section "fī jumlat al-kalām ʿalā l-aʿḍā", mentions the four elements and the four humors. …
Two letters, or draft of letters, in Arabic script. The name of the writer in the tarjama reads as Muḥammad al-Sayfī and apart from the …
Recto (secondary use): Beginning of a letter: "...بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم فان فات عنهم" Verso (original use): Probably a deed of sale for a piece …
Private accounts, or the amount owed to someone by the people mentioned in the document or the amount of money the person collected from the …
Fiscal document, in Arabic script, bottom part of the fragment. The document is dated Muḥarram 487 H and the first two lines may be read …