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Accounts in Arabic dated on the verso's heading as Jumada I[ or perhaps II?] of the year 1238 AH which is 1823 CE. The structure …
لا توجد ثبت المراجع والمصادر
Accounts in Ladino dated in the first line of the recto as 8 Elul 5588 AM which is 18 August 1828CE. There are many detailed …
Accounts. In Arabic script. Dated 6 Jumada I [12]35 AH which is 1820 CE. One of the entries toward the middle of the document mentions …
Recto: note from Khalīfa Ḥasan. Verso: letter by Meʿir Naʿīm (cf. CUL Or.1080.4.40) to Khalīfa Ḥasan concerning business matters. 18th-19th century. (Information from CUDL)
Records of three betrothal agreements. The first is a receipt dated Monday, first day of Pesaḥ, mentioning the groom Yaaqov Ḥanan b. Yosef Ḥanan and …
1 نسخ
Lists in Judeo-Arabic and Hebrew of donations collected before various Shabbatot dated in the year 5596 AM which is 1835/1836 CE. Each list is designated …
Writing exercises mostly of the Hebrew alphabet in a large notebook of 12 folios on lined paper. The latter feature helps to estimate the dating …
Legal document from Fustat dated January 1802 CE (Shevat 5562), in which Nissim Romano acknowledges that he has received 180 silver muayyadis from the orphans …
Note or letter from Shimʿon Ben-Nāʾīm (נאיים) addressed only to someone or some institution with the honorific title "jināb al-muḥtarim". Dated: 15 ___[month] 1284 AH …
Judaeo-Arabic fragment in very rudimentary handwriting, naming sums of money held by various people (Dawud has 5.5 dinars, al-Shaykh Abū [...] has 1.75 dinars. . …
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic mentiong Menaḥem Mizraḥī in the heading. Dated 3 Sivan [55]94 AM which is 1834 CE. The entries below each heading on the …
List in Judeo-Arabic related to the communal "chest / ארגז" of the Sephardim in Adar I [55]93 which is March 1833CE. The monetary figures are …
Fragment of a Ladino letter (left half).
Letter in Arabic. Dated 5 Shawwal 1214 AH (March 1800 CE). Verso is blank apart from a jotting which may be an acknowledgement of receipt. …
Calendar for the year 5574 AM (1813/14 CE) with Jewish holidays and some notes about corresponding dates within the Ḥijrī calendar and the constellations (Cancer, …
Modern note containing monetary account in Ottoman gurush coinage. Location: Cairo. Dating: August (אגסטס) __69 CE. Based on the usage of pre-lined paper and scribal …
Letter from Eliyyahu b. Seʿadya, in Fustat/Cairo, to the Ḥakham Avraham ha-Levi b. Moshe ha-Levi the Qaraite, in Jerusalem. Scribed by Yaʿaqov Ḥayna (? חיינה) …
Legal deed. In Hebrew. Location: Cairo. Dated: End of Heshvan, 5562 AM = October/November 1801 CE. Meʾir Ben-Naʿim invests 100 reales (1 real = 90 …
List in Judaeo-Arabic of payments dated in the year 1207-1208AH which is 1792/93CE. Although the document itself is dated with the Hijri calendar the payments …
Rent receipt in Judaeo-Arabic documenting that Yaʿaqov Maṣliaḥ has paid three years' rent for his ṭabaqa in advance, from July 1819 through July 1822 (Av …
List of Italianate names and corresponding monetary values, perhaps communal contributions. The paleography, ink, and pre-lined paper all point to the nineteenth century as a …
List of "מצרופ/expenses" related to food/household items that is dated in Cheshvan [55]97JC which is 1836CE. The fragment may have been folded and sent from …
Legal document. In Hebrew. Location: Fustat/Cairo. Dated: end of Sivan 5582 AM, which is June 1822 CE. Dissolution of partnership and settling of accounts between …
Investment agreement (ʿisqa). Dated: Adar I 5562 AM, which is 1802 CE. In which Joya bt. Yehuda Ashiyahu invests 100 riyāls with Meir ben Naʿim …
List of donations (?) collected dated 1820/21 CE (5581 AM). Surnames include Pinto, Yagi.
List of donations collected on various Shabbatot of the year 5567 AM (1806/7 CE).
Dissolution of ṣarraflık partnership. Location: Fustat/Cairo. Dated: 14 Nisan 5576 AM = 12 April 1816 CE. Between Yosef Romano and Nissīm Ḥāmī. Witnessed by Yaʿaqov …
Left side of an ornate ketubba fragment. Based on the names mentioned and David Ben-Naʿīm's signature, the dating is likely mid-nineteenth-century. Only the bride's first …
Legal document from Fustat/Cairo, dated March 1802 CE (Adar II 5562 AM). Me'ir ben Naʿim had borrowed 150 reals from the old woman Raḥel known …
Ketubba, beautifully illuminated, from Cairo, dated 16 April 1821 CE (14 Nisan 5581 AM) for (Benyamīn) Ḥayy Dayyān b. David Dayyān and Mazal Ṭov bt. …
1 نسخ 1 مناقشة
Rabbanite ketubah from Cairo that may have been preserved in the Dār Simḥa Synagogue geniza, although it seems more likely that Avraham Firkovich acquired it …
Letter drafts in Judaeo-Arabic on verso, epistolary writing exercises repeated on recto. Dated: 7 Elul 5597 AM which is September 1837 CE. Given the educational …
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic of a wide array of purchases in the year [12]55AH which can be inferred by the usage of the Hijri months Sha'ban …
List of monetary figures in Arabic from one Ibrāhīm Malikī in which one of the entries on the verso mentions the year 1256 AH and …
Legal deed. In Hebrew. Location: Fustat/Cairo. Dated: 1 Shevat 5578 AM, which is 1818 CE. Declaring that Rica bt. Avraham ha-Kohen טרייקלי is "rebellious" (moredet) …
List of payments in Judaeo-Arabic dated as 14 Shvat 5595 or 13 February 1835CE. In both headings on the recto and verso Ḥayyim Griyani is …
Accounts in Judeo-Arabic from 1829/30 CE (1245 Hijri). The top heading labels the accompanying entries as "מצרופ" which may indicate expenses or outgoing payments. The …
Legal document from Cairo, dated 1817 CE (end of Heshvan 5578) in which David Dayyan declares an investment partnership with Barakha Goren. A specific profession …
Ketubba dated 15 September 1847 CE (5 Tishrei 5608 AM) from Tangier for Ḥayyim Naḥmias b. Avraham b. Moshe b. Yiṣḥaq and Ordueña bt. Menaḥem …
Recto: Accounts of a moneylender(?). In Arabic script. Dated: Thursday, 19 Dhū l-Ḥijja 1253 AH which is 1838 CE. In the right column, ʿĀʾisha bt. …
Partnership/investment agreement (עסקא). Location: Fustat/Cairo. Dated: First third of Shevaṭ 5577 AM = January 1817 CE. Khalīfa ʿAfīf acknowledges that David ʿAfīf has invested 17,000 …
Partnership agreement from Cairo, dated 13 October 1800 CE (24 Tishrei 5561 AM), between David Dayyan, Eliyyahu Palombo, and Avraham Ḥaqīm. The context of the …
Engagement (shiddukhin) agreeement between Eliyyahu b. Moshe Riman/Diman/DeMan (?) of Manṣūra and Raḥel known as Kuḥla bt. Ḥassūn. The bride's father is no longer living, …
Replacement ketubba dated 12 September 1802 (15 Elul 5562 AM) from "Kafr al-Nāqir" on the Nile. Line 6 notes that the couple's original ketubba is …
Ketubba for David Farāsh known as Buqji (?) b. Avraham and Esther bt. Yaʿaqov Medina. Currency: medin. Dated 2 April 1802 CE (29 Adar II …
Investment partnership agreement (עסקא) for one month dated 1 Av 5575 AM (1815 CE), in Cairo (מצרים). Between Khalīfah b. Ḥayyīm Najjār and Ḥabibah bt. …
Recto: Legal agreement between Nissim b. Ḥayyim Mosseri and Yosef al-[...] b. [...]. Location: Cairo. Dated: Elul 5589 AM = August/September 1829 CE. The document …
Legal testimony. In Hebrew, with one signature in both Hebrew and Latin script. Location: Alexandria. Dating: 5624 AM in the month of Shevat which is …
Legal document. In Hebrew. Location: Fustat/Cairo. Dated: First decade of Ṭevet 5561 AM, which is 17–26 December 1800 CE. Moneychanging (sarraflık) partnership agreement between three …
Fols. 1r–2r: Geomancy castings in Judaeo-Arabic with some Hebrew: (1) "If a man will come from outside of Egypt and take over justice and religion …