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Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic and western Arabic numerals. Dated: Sivan 5482 AM which is May-June 1722 CE. The account heading states that the monthly entries are …
لا توجد ثبت المراجع والمصادر
Ketubba for Yosef b. Aharon Shunina and Esther bt. Avraham Shunina. Currency: medin. Dated 22 May 1716 (1 Sivan 5476); the place is Damīr (identical …
Letter in Ladino. Dated 21 Sivan 5486 AM which is 1726 CE. Mentions Yaʿaqov Lanyado in l. 3.
Legal document from Fustat/Cairo, dated 1730 CE (8 Heshvan 5491), involving the partners Moshe ʿAzarya and Yosef Buntol (? בונטול) and a debt of 16,495 …
Legal document of ḥaliẓa, probably from the first decade of the 18th century (the year is very faded but appears to begin 546[.]). Shelomo b. …
List of donations collected on various Shabbats of 1795/6 CE (5556 AM).
Verso: Commercial document in Ottoman Turkish, recycled for a communal register. Dated 27 Ramadan 1180 AH (1767 CE). (Naïm Vanthieghem; description to come).
Recto: Fragment of a late letter in Judaeo-Arabic from a son to a father. Verso: The page was trimmed and reused for what may be …
Legal document (right side only) dated 1701/2 CE (5462 AM) involving Yosef Yedid and an orphan girl Sitt al-[...] and payments on the order of …
Long legal document perhaps dealing with inheritance arrangements between the brothers Yiṣḥaq and Mordekhai and Binyamin Gaʿdī, the sons of Moshe Gaʿdī. Seems to be …
Ketubba for Yosef b. Yaʿaqov Saragosi and Sara bt. Nissim Messina (?). Currency: medin. Dated 6 February 1792 (13 Shevat 5552), Cairo. ASE.
:(Ruth 4:11) Marginal text of ketubba
ויאמרו כל העם אשר בשער והזקנים עדים יתן יהיה את האשה הבאה אל ביתך כרחל וכלאה אשר בניהם
1 نسخ
Ladino letters or copies of letters from 1788 CE (Shevat 5548). One is addresed to a Martinelli.
Lists in Judaeo-Arabic and Hebrew of donations collected before various Shabbatot. Each list is designated by individual contributors and specific weeks of the liturgical calender …
Recto: Engagement (shiddukhin) document, dated 7 November 1791 (10 Heshvan 5552), Fustat, for the cantor Khalīfa ʿAfīf b. Aharon and Simḥa bt. Yaʿaqov b. Barukh. …
Legal document, identified internally as a "gift deed" in line 28. Dated: 1 Tammuz 5509 AM = 17 June 1749 CE. Location: Cairo. David ben …
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic, probably communal in nature– there are many communal lists from the turn of the 19th century matching this format (some of which …
Legal document draft laying out the terms for the division of a a house given to four brothers by their mother ʿAzīza bt. Elishʿa Levi …
Letter in Ladino dated September 1777 (Elul 5537), from Yiṣḥaq Sigan or Bigan (?) in Alexandria to [address torn] in Rashid. Among the individuals mentioned …
Long deed of sale involving many members of the Karaite community in Cairo. Line 13 mentions the communal waqf (qodesh) and much of the document …
Letters in Ladino that from Shem Tov b. Mozeo (Moshe?) and another individual with a distinct signature and hand. The letter on the fourth scan …
Letter from Shelomo [...], in Damietta, to Shemuel ha-Levi, in Fustat/Cairo. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dated: Friday, 29 Adar II 5559 AM, which is 5 April 1799 …
Letter from an unidentified sender, in Hebron, to his 'brother' Yeḥezqel Ḥefeṣ, in Cairo. In Hebrew. Dated: Sunday, 17 Av [5]529 AM, which is 1769 …
Legal document. In Hebrew. Location: Rashīd (Rosetta). Dated: First third of Tishrei 5534 AM = September 1773 CE. Involving Yosef, Yehuda, a butcher, and the …
Page from a compilation in Ottoman Turkish of excerpts of elegant letters and poetry attributed to specific authors (whose names are indicated in red ink). …
Karaite commercial agreement regarding debts between: Yosef b. Shemuel Levi, Moshe b. Yisraʾel aka Ḥakīm, Yosef b. Yeshūʿa Hītī Levi, Moshe b. Mordekhay Levi, Liyahu …
List of names, possibly a communal register fragment. Dated 5536 AM (1775/76 CE). Many of the names feature the Ben-____ construction surname. Some of the …
Karaite bill of debt. Dated Thursday, 8th Adar II, 5529 Era of creation (1769). The document was issued in the residence of R. Shelomo b. …
Accounts in Italian on recto and verso. Dated 29 February 1747 CE. The entry under this date states: "oggi mi presto [sic?] Sre. Samuel Butler …
Fragment of a Hebrew legal document from Cairo dated 1771/2 CE ([5]532 AM) certifying that Yaʿaqov Katāḥ (?) b. Avraham and Me'ir Shapurti (?) b. …
Deed of sale. Location: Ḥamida/Ḥamuda, Yemen. Dated: 24 Av במ״ד, which is likely 2044 Seleucid = 5 August 1733 CE. The parties include [..] and …
Marital agreement from Sivan 5489 AM (1729 CE). The groom Moshe b. Aharon, the bride Esther b. Moshe ha-Rofe Hazan. The document was recorded in …
Recto: Legal document in Hebrew. Unsigned. Mentioning the following individuals: Jacob Bonsenior (בונשיניור), Nissim Noah and his brother-in-law Raḥamim b. Avraham Noah. Nissim bought books …
Engagement deed dated June 1760 CE (15 Tammuz 5520 AM). Moshe b. Avraham ha-Levi Caraso is engaged to Mlīḥa bt. Yosef Najjār. 100 arayōt (groom's …
Legal document in Hebrew issued in Cairo. At first glance the date appears to be Elul 5420 AM which is August-September 1660 CE. However, the …
Legal document in Hebrew, investment partnership. Dated 30 Iyyar 5551 AM (June 1791 CE). Location: Cairo. David Kariyo (Carillo) invested quantities of silk, cotton, and …
Letter from Yiṣḥaq(?) Krispin, unknown location, to Avraham Krispin, Alexandria. Written in Ladino. Dated: 18 Av 5549 AM, which is 10 August 1789 CE. Needs …
Legal document. Location: Cairo. Dated: 20 Adar I 5559 AM, which is 1799 CE. Eliyyahu Ṣevi Ḥbak(?) (צבי חבאך) acknowledges an investment of 2000 medins …
Engagement (shiddukhin) agreeement between Avraham b. Yosef Mammon/Mammūn and Bayda (?) bt. Moshe ha-Levi known as ʿŪraybī. Currency: reales. Dated 4 January 1797 CE (6 …
Karaite bill of release of a debt, dated 30 Shevat 5594 AM (1734 CE). The document was recorded in the home of the brothers Eliyahu …
Debt acknowledgement in Hebrew. Dated 8 Sivan 5536 AM (May 1776 CE). Location: Cairo. Yaʿaqov Yaʿabeṣ/Yuʿbaṣ commits to repay a debt of 68.5 reales abūṭ[aqa] …
Recto: Engagement (shiddukhin) document, dated 18 June 1795 (1 Tammuz 5555), for Moshe b. [left blank] and Sara bt. David Russo. Verso: A geomancy casting; …
Legal document dated 25 Tammuz 5548 AM (July 1788 CE), Cairo, in which the undersigned acknowledges receipt of 80 reales, from Yiṣḥaq Aripol for part …
List in Judeo-Arabic and Hebrew of donations collected before various Shabbatot of the year 5556 = 1795/96CE. The weekly parshas are listed such as "אחרי …
List of communal accounts, some of which are dated Pesaḥ 5554 AM (April 1794 CE) on the recto. Requires further examination. MCD.
Bifolium from Mitzrayim, 1790–92 CE, apparently from a ledger of betrothal and marriage contracts. About nine are preserved, complete with names, and trousseau lists, and …
Large list of names and sums of money (probably donations) dated Passover [Nisan 15-22] 5555 AM (April 1795 CE). The right column lists 43 full …
Legal document from Cairo dated 15 Shevaṭ 5505 AM (= 1745 CE), describing the appointment of Joseph ha-Levi as cantor. The location given for the …
בהיות שהבית הכנסת שבפנים חארת אלקראיין שהיא תוך המבוי(?) שאצל הכ'ורונפש הנודע בק׳׳ק
כ'אלתי מסעודה כיון שנתעוללו על הקהל הנז׳ הגוים החב...
Engagement (shiddukhin) agreement between Nissim Zeraḥya and Miryam bt. Shelomo ha-Levi. Dated 1749 CE (21 Heshvan 5510), Rashid. Currency: the gold zeri maḥbūb coin (זהובים …
1 مناقشة
Partnership agreement between Eliyyahu Palombo, Yaʿaqov Reqaḥ, and Merkado Ḥūba(?) (חובה), from Cairo, dated 1796 CE (Av 5556 AM). The main text of the document …
Account book in Judaeo-Arabic. Dated in multiple locations to the early 18th century, for example שנת הנה ישעך בא (=463=1703). There may also be dates …