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عوامل التصفية

120 نتائج

  1. 101

    قائمة/جدولT-S NS 99.79 + T-S NS 99.77 + T-S NS 99.78 + T-S NS 99.80 + T-S NS 99.81

    Bifolium from a notebook. One page has a poem in Ladino involving a husband and wife and a knight, with refrains which are different from …

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  2. 102

    ثيقة شرعيّةT-S NS 292.79 + T-S AS 146.104 + T-S AS 146.283 + T-S AS 147.159

    Legal deed involving R. Yiṣḥaq Luria Ashkenazi and Rafa'el Kalonymos. Location: Egypt. Dated: Tevet 5319 AM, which is 1559 CE. The deed details the terms …

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  3. 103

    رسالةT-S 6J4.32

    Letter from Moshe Binyamin to Isaac Luria (CUDL). "A certain Moshe Binyamin sent two letters from Rashid to Luria in Egypt, probably either in 1555 …

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  4. 104

    رسالةF 1908.44KK

    Letter from Moshe b. Abudarham, probably in Rashid, to an unknown addressee. In Hebrew. Dating: Second half of the 16th century, based on Avraham David's …

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  5. 105

    ثيقة شرعيّةT-S NS 99.59 + CUL Or.1081 2.26

    Legal document. In Hebrew. Dating: second half of the 16th century based on the people mentioned; strangely, no date appears in the document itself. Involves …

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  6. 106

    ثيقة شرعيّةENA 3965.11

    Deed of lease for an apartment (ṭabaqa). In Arabic script. Dated: 25 Ṣafar 919 AH = 2 May 1513 CE. Lessee: Manṣūr b. Najīb (b.) …

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    • recto
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  7. 107

    قائمة/جدولT-S NS 83.22

    Commercial accounts, perhaps 16th-century based on the paleography and names listed. Some of the entries are crossed out. The names listed include: (recto) Shelomo ʿUraybī, …

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  8. 108

    قائمة/جدولT-S NS 83.24

    Commercial accounts, 16th-century. Many names are listed, first and foremost: R. Yiṣḥaq Luria, who appears with the correct honorifics (כמה׳׳ר) for this to be the …

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  9. 109

    قائمة/جدولT-S NS 99.78 + T-S NS 99.77 + T-S NS 99.79 + T-S NS 99.80 + T-S NS 99.81

    Bifolium from a notebook. One and a half pages are filled with a poem in Ladino involving a husband and wife and a knight, with …

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  10. 110

    رسالةBodl. MS heb. c 64/1

    Letter from Eliezer Zussman, in Jerusalem, to his son Avigdor. In Hebrew. It has an unusual form for a letter: there are no greetings and …

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  11. 111

    Credit instrument or private receiptMoss. VIII,479.8

    Order of payment, in late Arabic script with a seal. ʿĀzar (=Ezra) al-Yahūdī al-Ṣayrafī is to pay the bearer (Nāṣif) 20 and half silvers. Contains …

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  12. 112

    رسالةF 1908.44XX

    Letter (or rather three letters) from Mustaʿrib sages, in Safed, to the Nagid Yiṣḥaq Sholal, in Fustat. Dating: 1510 CE, based on the assessment of …

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  13. 113

    رسالةJRL SERIES B 3655 + JRL SERIES B 3656

    Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic from a certain Reuven [Najjar y Feliz?] to Moshe Najjar y Feliz, probably his brother, dated 4 Settembre '56. It deals …

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
    • 1 / 1 leaf, verso
    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
    عرض تفاصيل المستند
  14. 114

    رسالةJRL SERIES B 3656 + JRL SERIES B 3655

    Almost certainly the address of the letter in the previous shelfmark: from Alexandria (מנאמון) to Cairo (למצרים), to Fratelli Najjar. Again mentions Moshe Castro in …

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
    • 1 / 1 leaf, verso
    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
    عرض تفاصيل المستند
  15. 115

    رسالةT-S 13J7.30

    Letter in Ladino from the merchant Avraham Mayo to his father, probably from Alexandria to Fustat/Cairo, dealing with numerous business transactions and the arrival of …


    1. בעה [. . . . . . .] יום []
    2. [. . . . . . . . . . . . .] תמוז []
    3. אבא מרי ועטרת לראשי כה״ר נר״ו
    4. דישפואיש די ביזאר וואישטראש מאנוס שירה האזיר וו...

    2 نسخين


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  16. 116

    قائمة/جدولCUL Or.1080 15.45

    List from 1593 CE dated Elul 5353 and early 5354, headed as "the remainder of the houses of the qodesh of the Musta'rib congregation. It …

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  17. 117

    رسالةENA NS 35.12

    Hebrew letter from Yiṣḥaq b. Zeraḥya known as Faryol (?), a physician, to Avraham Talmid (known from other letters, fl. ca.1600). The first part of …

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    • 1
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  18. 118

    رسالةBodl. MS heb. b 11/16

    Late letter that begins in Hebrew and transitions into Judaeo-Arabic from an unidentified merchant to Yosef Muḥibb. He writes that he traveled this year to …

    1 نسخ


    • 16 recto
    • 16 verso
    عرض تفاصيل المستند
  19. 119

    رسالةCUL Or.1080 5.6

    Letter in Hebrew (peppered with Arabic, Turkish, and Italian), addressed to two unnamed merchants (one the uncle of the writer), written almost certainly in Alexandria …

    1 نسخ


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  20. 120

    رسالةT-S 20.149

    Letter from the Egyptian physician ʿAfīf b. Ezra, in Gaza (detained there en route from Cairo to Safed), to Shemuel b. Yequtiel al-Amshāṭī, in Fustat. …


    1. בש' רח'
    2. יחנ'
    3. אשרי תמימי דרך ההול'
    4. אשרי תמימי דרך ההול
    5. והמשכילים יזהירו כזו'
    6. וידע כל יש מ כ נ שמואל
    7. יוי עוז
    8. קומי אורי כי בא אורך וכ[בוד] יוי...

    1 نسخ 1 مناقشة


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