Fol. 2v: Legal document in Arabic script. Abū ʿAlī Ḥasan b. Khalaf, a Jew from Tyre, renounces all of his monetary claims against Isḥaq b. …
Ḥasan, called Abū ʿAlī, ibn Khalaf, the Jew from Tyre, calling people to be his witnesses, acting voluntarily, [not forced, nor]
coerced, acknowledged that no debt is owed to him by Isḥāq ibn Sahl ibn Bishr ibn Nāḥūm and Bū Naṣr [ … ]
nor (is there any debt) incumbent upon them, nor in their possession, nor in their custody, nor incumbent upon anyone in connection with them [ … ]
gold, silver, a debt, a loan, a deposit, rent, [ … ]
clothing, ornament, habiliment, fashioned or broken jewellery [ … ]
settling of an account, rescinding of an account, nor what is administered as a deposit [ …]
the value of which has been specified, nor a fine of any type of possession or goods [ …]
nor anything that has not been mentioned herein, small or large, old or new, nor a claim [ …]
nor argument, nor litigation, nor dispute in any way whatsoever.