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Fols. 1 and 2: Petition in Arabic script. From Mubārak b. ʿAllūn. The addressee may be called [...] al-Afḍaliyya al-sharafiyya [...]. There may be one …
لا توجد ثبت المراجع والمصادر
Verso: Petition, probably ("al-mamlūk..."). In Arabic script. Small fragment from the upper right corner. Mentions the word Ṣalāḥ, which may be part of the name …
Verso (original use): Fragment of a petition in Arabic script. The petitioner complains that the ىىن (= the fig trees? the straw?) have been moved …
State document, probably. Dated: Rabīʿ II 425 kharājiyya, which is roughly a year or two prior to 1034 CE. Mentions some sums of dinars and …
A few words from a state document in Arabic script, mentioning the name Saʿīd (or likely urging someone to exert effort (fī dhālik ijtihād) to …
The ends of three lines from an official-looking letter or document in Arabic script. Reused on recto for piyyuṭ. (Information in part from CUDL.) Reads …
Small fragment of a state document or letter in Arabic script. Mentions the Mutawallī al-Ṭirāz. Reused on recto for piyyuṭ. (Information in part from CUDL)
Recto: State document. Possibly an account synthesizing multiple streams of revenue: capitation tax (māl al-jawālī), a tax on palm produce (māl al-nakhl or maybe the …
Recto: fiscal account in a Fatimid chancery hand, including amounts in dīnārs and mentioning something al-mubārak ilā mawlāy. Verso: opening of a letter (?) in …
Verso: Fragment from near the beginning of a state document in Arabic script. Mainly preserving blessings for someone powerful (وصيانته ومراعاته وحراسته . . . …
Small fragment of a state document in Arabic script. May mention 1000 or more dinars. Reused on recto for piyyuṭ. (Information in part from CUDL)
Small fragment of a state document with a large ʿalāma at upper left. Mentions the name ʿAbd al-Karīm b. al-Ḥājj Muḥammad b. al-Ḥājj [...]. Dating: …
Small fragment of a state document in Arabic. Reused for Hebrew piyyuṭ. (Information from CUDL.)
Fragment from the top of a state document in Arabic script. There is a basmala, possibly a remnant of a tarjama at upper left, and …
Sugar accounting from the administration of the Ayyubid sultan al-Ṣāliḥ Ayyūb (al-Dīwān al-Ṣāliḥī al-Saʿīdī...). The dating is established by comparison with TS AS 183.83 (PGPID …
Sugar accounting for the Dīwān al-Sulṭān (of al-Ṣāliḥ Ayyūb) mentioning the refinery of Ṣafad (or al-Ṣafadī?) and the sugar of Ashmūn. Mentions a quantity of …
Recto: Small fragment (2 lines) from an official report. Needs examination for content. Verso: The report was torn and reused for an order of a …
Original use: Official correspondence in Arabic script, mentioning Ibn al-Salār (vizier of al-Ẓāfir, 1149–53 CE). Needs examination for content. Secondary use: Literary text in Arabic …
State document, iqṭāʿ-related. Dating: Likely Mamluk-era, based on handwriting and format. The bottom 11 lines of the document are preserved. Moderately wide space between the …
Recto is probably a state report in Arabic script. Damaged and very difficult to read. Referring to people fleeing from a battle, al-Shām, Egypt, ʿAsqalān, …
State document, internal report, in Arabic script. The sender may be Yaḥyā b. Ḥāmid(?) b. Sālim. The addressee is a qāḍī (al-ḥaḍra al-sāmiya al-qaḍāʾiyya). Dating: …
Verso (original use): state document, beginning of an ʿalāma starting with a ḥamdala, possibly part of a decree. Later reused for a note in Judaeo-Arabic.
State document, probably a fiscal order. Mentions rāhin/dāʾin in the first line, slaves (ghilmān), and property (ʿamāʾr). Some of the names mentioned are Abū Jawhar, …
Official letter, six fragmentary lines in Arabic, recycled by ʿEli b. Yeḥezqel ha-Kohen of Jerusalem (d. ca. 1055) for a Piyyuṭ which dates the state …
Verso: Accounts in Arabic script, apparently state/fiscal, though Greek/Coptic numerals are atypical for fiscal documents. The upper section is headed "wuṣūl" (receipt). The next section …
Main document: Petition or letter draft from Sulaymān from Banī Sarrāj "in the districts of Ṭaḥā and al-Ushmūnayn." In Arabic script. Dating: Late. The margins …