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Probably fiscal document(s). Needs examination.
لا توجد ثبت المراجع والمصادر
Small fragment possibly from an official letter/report. Mentions "waṣala al-nāṣiḥ/al-nāḍij(?) Masʿūd(?)...."
Ikhshīdid fiscal document; see tag. The Hebrew reuse is the same hand as T-S NS 149.18 and possibly T-S AS 176.173. ASE
Formal-looking letter apparently from an astrologer to a vizier (سيدنا الوزير الاجل). In Arabic script. Dating: Probably Fatimid, 11th or 12th century. Quite damaged. Opens …
Small fragment of a state document, it seems referring to the year 595 AH = 1198/99 CE.
Petition or formal letter from ʿAbdallāh b. Bū Bakr to ʿIzz al-Dīn the amīr shikār (master of the hunt). In Arabic script. Dating: Mamluk-era. Only …
Possibly an official document in Arabic script, but the hand is crude. Could also be an IOU with a layout reminiscent of state documents. Concerns …
Bottom 5 lines of an official letter in Arabic script. Ends with either a request or an instruction, ويفعل بذلك ما عهد من همته والله …
Likely a small fragment from a state document. Similar two-column format as T-S NS 96.66 and T-S Misc.22.252.
Fragment of a state document in Arabic script: "kharaja... mablagh... al-mustakhdamīn..."
Trials of the pen in a fiscal or administrative hand, including the glyph, the basmala and "al-shaykh al-ajall."
State document, probably a decree. The fragmented line reads as "واما ما ذكره من دعا الخاصة". Hebrew liturgical text on recto.
Official (tax?) receipt for someone possibly named Ḥayyim in Fustat. Needs examination.
Official-looking correspondence in Arabic script. Wide space between the lines. Excerpts: حصل . . . . الامر يصل ذلك وان . . . الفندق حمله …
Tax receipt for the Jewish man Yūsuf b. Daʾūd for his capitation tax in Fustat. The date is given twice (51[.]?).
Official letter, probably. In Arabic script. The ends of 3 lines are preserved; upslanting and wide space between lines. Needs examination for content. On verso …
Receipt for the capitation tax of Maʿālī b. Bū l-Karam. Needs further examination. See T-S AS 177.85 (PGPID 37036) for all the related documents.
Original use: Fiscal account in Arabic script, mentioning wheat and various districts and an ʿāmil. Needs examination.
Report from a Fatimid chancery clerk concerning an iqṭāʿ. Dated: 520 AH = 1126/27 CE.
Fiscal document with at least three distinct sections. 1) The main text block concerns ships, requisitioning, ḍummān, and the officials charged with transporting crops from …
Small fragment from a piece of official correspondence: wa-qad sayyara ilayhimā min al-[...]....
Fragment with four different text blocks in Arabic, apparently drafts of documents in a chancery hand. Both sides are also reused for Hebrew biblical text …
Fiscal account, probably. One header reads "al-aʿmāl al-Fayyūmiyya." Needs examination.
Verso: Fragmentary document, in a chancery hand. Typical closing formula of a state document "في ذلك ان شاالله". The second line could be a date. …
State document, it seems an order from a higher-up or a response/rescript (tawqiʿ) for a petition. (There is in fact a draft petition on verso …
Recto: Fragment of an official report or possibly a legal document, notable for mentioning an amīr named Iftikhār al-Dawla Jawhar. The best-known Iftikhār al-Dawla was …
Verso (original use): Fiscal accounting document (or an official order for the release of funds?), complete with ḥamdala and ḥasbala. Dated: 5 Shawwāl 4xx (412?).
Very unusual account, written in large letters, likely fiscal. Perhaps wages for soldiers/mercenaries? Recto, upper section: -people's names such Masʿūd b. Manṣūr b. Sabʿ(?) and …
Fragment of a capitation tax receipt, probably. Needs examination.
Unidentified document in Arabic script. Might be legal or official. Ḥamdala and ṣalwala in the second-to-last line. It was torn and reused for a different …
Official-looking account in Arabic script. Bifolium from a ledger. Fiscal account from the Fatimid arsenal/navy? Mentions the Red Sea (baḥr al-qulzum) and "the ships" (marākib) …
Top of a petition or letter in Arabic script.
Tax receipt for [...] b. Yaʿqūb, a Jewish grocer, probably for his capitation tax in Fustat.
Capitation tax receipt. Needs examination.
Small fragment of an Arabic document. Might be a fiscal account. Mentions the numbers 300 and 400.
Letter or official document in Arabic. Reused on recto for piyyuṭ. (Information from CUDL.)
Receipt for the capitation tax of Musāfir b. Yūsuf in New Cairo for the year 502, beginning 'tadhkira bism.' At the top, registration marks related …
Recto and verso are two different versions of petitions, in two different hands. The one on verso looks somewhat later, perhaps Ayyubid-era, and is from …
Verso (original use): The end of one line in calligraphic Arabic script from a state document, perhaps a decree. . ال الديوان عرضا فدل على …
Fol. 2v is the closing formula of a state document with a ḥamdala and ṣalwala.
Fiscal account. Needs examination.
Small fragment of a petition or official correspondence in Arabic script. The beginnings of three lines are preserved. Mentioning the army and the Rīf: وسعادته …
State document in Arabic on recto, very wide line spacing. Medieval era. The remnants of two partial lines are visible. Both sides were reused for …
State document, in Arabic script. Wide spacing, two fragmentary lines. Some of the words read as "من مساعدته....من ذلك في امره".
Document with a few lines of Arabic script on each side. Probably a fiscal account. Mentions 200 dinars on verso, and possibly a dīwān. Needs …
Fiscal account, probably. Likely concerning grain (mentions the prices of arādibb). Needs examination.
Verso (original use): Fragment of a petition in Arabic script. Dating: Probably Fatimid-era. The beginnings of 4 lines are preserved. Moderately wide line spacing. Includes …
Official (tax?) receipt for a payment of 2 dinars in Fustat for Abū l-Fakhr b. Yūsuf. Needs examination. The date is preserved (6[..] AH?). Cf. …
Small fragment of an official-looking account.