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State document, fragment of a longer text, dismembered at the collesis. What has remained is wa-mā tawfīqī illā bi-l-lāh. Possibly Ayyubid (tawfīqī billāh was an …
لا توجد ثبت المراجع والمصادر
Report on fiscal matters, draft.
Two pages from a single fiscal register, mentions the months Rabīʿ II, Ramaḍān, Shawwāl, Dhū l-Qaʿda, and a name ʿAbīd b. ʿUmar. Reused for Hebrew …
Petition or formal letter concerning an iqṭāʿ, which was subsequently torn, and a related record written on verso. Dating: Probably Mamluk or early Ottoman era, …
Petition or report, probably. In Arabic script. The ends of 6 lines are preserved. Mentions: al-muslimīn... mutawallī al-balad... al-ghulām... ʿalā nafsihi l-ʿādila...lammā kānat hādha l-waqt... …
Tax receipt?
Makhzūma (official ledger of accounts). In Arabic script. Maybe dated 658 AH, which would be 1259/60 CE if correct. On verso there are two validation …
Large bifolio of accounts in Arabic script. Might be fiscal. On recto, sections are headed by names of profession ("the dyers (al-ṣabbāghīn)... the millers (al-ṭaḥḥānīn)..."), …
Tax receipt? Mentions:ūdī... bi-ḥudūr...
Two fragments of a letter in Arabic script. Hard to tell if it is a state document, a mercantile document, or both. Refers to "al-ḥujaj …
The beginnings of the lines of an official document in Arabic script. Reused for Hebrew piyyut (same scribe as T-S NS 111.63 and others?). Might …
Official-looking accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals. Needs examination.
Part of an official letter or petition. In Arabic script. Wide space between the lines. A few words from 4 lines are preserved. Ends with …
Official-looking accounts in Arabic script. Several headers begin "minhā" with an elongated horizontal line. Needs examination.
Recto: Official letter in Arabic script. The beginnings of four lines are preserved. Refers to the beginning of the ebbing of the Nile. The rest …
Recto: State document? In Arabic script. Headed by the basmala and perhaps continuing “sijillāt rafaʿahā X b. Y al-Wakīl… bi-l-nāḥiya al-… min aʿmāl…." Needs examination.
Recto: State document in Arabic script. Maybe a decree. Only a few words are preserved: ]لى للفراج(؟) للتقضي(؟) . . . . . صولها
Fiscal account. Needs examination.
Decree fragment. The beginnings of three lines are preserved on recto (mentioning al-Ramla): الرملة وف . . م . . من ظهر . . وتحصيله …
State document or letter. In Arabic script. Four lines probably from the bottom of the document. Reused for jottings in Hebrew and Arabic. Needs examination.
Petition, likely Mamluk-era. Needs examination.
Tax receipt, Fatimid. Registration marks - al-ḥamdu lil-lāh shukran and al-ḥamdu lil-lāh ḥamd al-shākirīn.
State document, fragment, in a chancery hand with long swoopy letters. Describing an issue/conflict associated with merchants (li dhālik(?) al-amr(?) maʿahu min al-tujjār, l. 2). …
Official-looking document in Arabic script. Needs examination.
Recto: Fiscal account in Arabic script, containing various entires related to taxation. Probably torn from a document which was originally very large. Verso: Document in …
Fiscal register, dated 3 Dhū l-Ḥijja of an unmentioned year, mentions several sums of money (Compare AIU IV.C.453, T-S NS 243.75a, T-S NS 198.61, ENA …
Fiscal document, few lines of text, something to do with the release of funds. Probably dating to the Ayyubid period. Reused for Hebrew script. Needs …
Account, fiscal record or tax receipt, Fatimid. Binding pinholes.
Tax receipt from the archive of Abū l-Ḥasan b. Wahb. Dated: 27 Muḥarram 404.
Tax receipt, maybe. Difficult to read. Penultimate line contains a ḥamdala.
Tax receipt, Fatimid. Registration mark - al-ḥamdu lil-lāh l-mutqin li-mā (badaʿ?)
Tax receipt, Fatimid.
Tax receipt, Fatimid for the sum of one-quarter dīnār (rubʿ)? Registration mark at the top left corner- al-ḥamdu lil-lāh shukran li niʿmatihi.
Tax receipt, Fatimid. Dated 505 H?
Tax receipt, Fatimid. Registration marks - al-ḥamdu lil-lāh waḥdahu (recto), al-ḥamdu lil-lāh ʿalā nuʿamāʾih (verso).
Fragment of an official document, probably. (Tax receipt?) Little is preserved beyond the date: 12 Ramaḍān 634 AH = 9 May 1237 CE.
Official-looking small receipt. Needs examination.