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Letter fragment. In Judaeo-Arabic with the address in Arabic script. Addressed to "my father," possibly Nissim b. Ḥalfon b. Benaya.
لا توجد ثبت المراجع والمصادر
Letter from Yosef ha-Levi, unknown location, to Binyamin de Curiel, in Fustat/Cairo. In Ladino. Dated: Adar 5552(?) AM = February/March 1792 CE. Complete. Needs examination.
Letter from Moshe ha-Levi to a group of unknown individuals. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dated: Thursday, 8 Elul 1743 (אתרקמג) Seleucid = 6 August 1432 CE. The …
Informal note addressed to Abū l-Afrāḥ ʿArūs b. Yosef about a business matter. Reused on verso by ʿArūs for accounts.
Letter from the community of Jerusalem to the gabbay and treasurer of כארכוך (=Kirkuk?). In Hebrew. Dated: Adar 5603 AM, which is 1843 CE. This …
Brief letter ("ruqʿa") from Ibrāhīm to Abū l-{A}frāḥ Yūsuf (probably ʿArūs b. Yosef). In Arabic script. There does not seem to be much substance to …
Letter from Mordekhai ha-Levi Mizraḥi, probably in Meron or Safed, to Moshe Ḥayyim and Yiṣḥaq Ḥayyim, unknown location. This fragment also contains the end of …
Draft of letter(s) in Hebrew (recto) and Judaeo-Arabic (verso), addressing a noble (‘throne of the Negidut’). It refers to the community of Alexandria (‘No Amon’). …
Verso: Letter fragment in Arabic script. 7 lines are preserved. The sender reports on the price of wheat and bread. Mentions Alexandria and Abū ʿAlī. …
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Fragmentary (horizontal piece from the middle). Mentions a woman going up to Fustat and litigating over 20 dinars. "And if her travel …
Letter, late, in Judaeo-Arabic from Yosef Yaʿveṣ to Ya'aqov Yaʿveṣ (or Yuʿbaṣ?). Information from Wagner, Linguistic Variety of Judaeo-Arabic, 24. For a nineteenth-century letter that …
Addendum to a letter. The sender had already written the original letter when Abū l-Faḍl b. Barakāt known as Abū l-Faraj brought two letters from …
Official letter from the Yeshiva to a notable whose name is torn away. In Hebrew for the exordium and Judaeo-Arabic for the body. Dating: 11th …
Verso (probably original use): Letter in Arabic script. Nearly complete. Mentions someone who recovered from an illness (ابن . . . وحب الله بالعافية); Ghālib …
Letter from Yeḥiʾel b. Yiṣḥaq ha-̣̣Ṣarfati, in Jerusalem, to an unknown addressee, in Alexandria. The letter consists of a halakhic discussion, mostly in Aramaic, perhaps …
Letter requesting financial support for a poor member of the community. (Information from CUDL)
Recto and verso: Begging letter from Baqāʾ the cantor to the Nagid David Maimonides, asking for support. In Judaeo-Arabic. Touching on various issues such as …
Fragment of a communal letter in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. The middles of four lines are preserved, wide spacing between the lines. May …
Two fragments of a letter in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe, apparently to his sister. He urges her to stay this year in the …
Minute fragment of a letter of appeal for charity. In the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. Might be related to T-S AS 148.31 (PGPID 16402) …
Letter, very faded. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Probably no earlier than 14th century, based on handwriting and abbreviations. The letter mentions various sums of money.
Verso (original use): Three distinct document in Arabic script, which have been cut and glued together for the sake of reuse on recto. (1) T-S …
Recto: Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: 1218 CE or slightly before, based on the date listed in the accounts on verso. The writer is in desperate …
Letter or possibly legal document with oral speech. Mentions the prayer book (siddur) of Rabbenu Shelomo (Sijilmāsī?). Reused for accounts on recto. (Information in part …
Verso (earlier side): Letter from Yaḥyā to a qāḍī. In Arabic script. Opens "aṣghar al-mamālīk [...] Yaḥyā yujaddidu khidmata sayyidinā l-qāḍī al-ajall al-awḥad al-qāʾim al-mutafakkir(?)...." …
Fragment of a letter from a certain Abū ʿAlī. In Judaeo-Arabic, headed by Hebrew verses. Dating: Likely 12th or 13th century. Only the beginning of …
Fol. 1: Letter fragment, possibly. Mentions 3 dirhams. Accounts on verso. Needs examination.
Petition or very deferential letter in Arabic script. Unclear if or how it is related to the Hebrew-script letter on the other side. Addressed to …
Document in Arabic script, in a calligraphic hand, without wide space between the lines. Likely a letter. Five lines are preserved, but they are very …
Verso (original use): Letter fragment. In Arabic script. Includes the phrase "anā al-ghāʾib wa-anta al-ḥāḍir." The sender set sail on a boat/ship.
Address of a letter in Arabic script sent to Alexandria, to al-Muʿallim Dāʾūd al-ʿĀmil(?). The letter itself is not preserved.
Informal note addressed to Abū l-Faraj concerning a settling of accounts in the Dār al-Wikāla, involving 10 dirhams and the months of Ramaḍān and Shawwāl. …
Business letter. In Hebrew. Dating: Late, probably no earlier than 16th century. Mentions Shemuʾel b. ____[?] in the first legible line, but this is likely …
16 small fragments. Fol. 1 (1–2) + Fol. 4 (7–8): Letter in Judaeo-Arabic mentioning [...] al-Amshāṭī. Also mentions, "I have asked the bearer..."; and "until …
Mercantile letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Probably 11th century. The sender intends to travel to Barqa. Mentioning Yosef b. Shāhūn. Reused on recto for Psalms 30:1-13 …
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Dealing mainly with business matters. The sender is sorting through accounts (e.g., "I checked my ledger (daftarī) and did not find anything."). …
End of a communal letter with signatures. The surviving signatures are [..]riya b. Ḥasan, [...] b. Ḥasan, Daniel b. Yishaq Shaʾul. [...] Kohen b. Bundar. …
Letter, fragment, written at the back of a state document, in Judaeo-Arabic. "until he will reach us and describe...". Needs examination.
Small fragment of a letter in Arabic script, probably mercantile. Little of the content is preserved. There is an unrelated fragment sharing this shelfmark, which …
Letter or petition. Fragmentary. In Arabic script. Heavily reused for writing exercises on recto and possibly also between the lines of the original document. From …
Fol. 2v (upper section): Letter to a ḥaver in Judaeo-Arabic. The text is faded and the phrases are quite vague—needs further examination.
Fol. 2v (lower section): Fragment of a mercantile letter in Arabic script. The sender refers to someone who was delayed in Rashīd (Rosetta). Also mentions …
Letter fragment. In Judaeo-Arabic. Too damaged to extract much of the content.
Note on parchment. Addressed to al-Shaykh al-Makīn. Making a request about obtaining silver for the sender, and passing on a message to Abū Saʿd al-Ḥazzān(?) …
Recto: Letter to Shelomo he-Ḥasid. The content is mostly lost. The recto also has a small patch of text in one corner in a different …
Letter from a Qaraite religious authority to a pupil containing the answers to a number of queries that the addressee had sent him, chief among …
A Hebrew note from a bookseller to a potential buyer, listing several books and giving final prices for them (in qurūsh). The books include "Zutah" …
Letter from Yaḥyā b. Yaḥyā, in Egypt, to his father Yaḥyā b. Saʿīd al-Jarīdī, in Dhamār, Yemen. Dating: probably 19th century. Needs examination.
Part of a document in Arabic script, possibly a letter. There are three lines, and their beginnings are missing. Reused on recto for Leviticus 1:1-2; …
Minute fragment of a letter. On recto a few words from the beginning (prefaced כי רם ייי) and in the margin. On verso part of …