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India Book (IB), II, 73. Quittance by the rabbinical court of Fustat for the sum of 173 and 7/24 mithqāl dinars, sent by Maḍmūn II …
למא כאן יום אלאתנין תאני ע[שר] חדש ניסן ש[נת ...]
בפסטאט מצרים דעל נילוס נהרא מותבה [רשותיה ראדוננו אברהם ...]
הפטיש החזק נר המערבי דגל הרבנ...
On Monday, 12 Nisan [...]
in Fustat Egypt, situated on the Nile river, [in the jurisdiction of our lord Abraham . . .]
the strong hammer, the...
2 نسخين 2 ترجمتين
Bill of divorce (geṭ). Husband: Ṣedaqa b. Shel[omo] (same as in T-S 8J35.12 (PGPID 18633)?). Wife: Malīḥa bt. Berakhot. Written and signed by Halfon b. …
لا توجد ثبت المراجع والمصادر
Decorated Karaite ketubah from Cairo. The groom is Yosef b. Yehuda Hakohen. The bride is Esther known as Qamar d. Eliyahu. Dated 25 Adar 5581 …
Get (bill of divorce) dated November 1041 CE (Kislev 4802), from Dam[sīs]. Yosef b. Sūq[..] divorces Sutayt bt. Aharon. Signed by Shemuel b. Avraham and …
Betrothal deed, in which Yisrael b. Daniel (groom-to-be) betroths Sittuna bat David b. Avraham (bride-to-be), dated Sunday, 11th Tammuz 4767/1318 (= 1007 CE), in Fustat. …
כתובת אירוסין
2 نسخين 1 مناقشة
Legal document. Partnership record. Dating: 1085 (per Goitein's index cards). Written in the hand of Hillel b. Eli (probable, per Goitein). This document is the …
2 نسخين 1 ترجمة 1 مناقشة
Responsum on the division of property, with citations from the Palestinian Talmud and the Babylonian Talmud. Possibly a product of one of the French rabbis …
Legal document. Bill of divorce, Fusṭāṭ. Dated: Monday, 10 Adar I 1537 Seleucid (9 February 1226 CE). This bill of divorce is one of forty …
1 مناقشة
Parts of documents - needs examination.
Legal document. Court record. Dated: 1083-1084. Location: Fustat. Abū al-‘Alā ‘Ūlla ha-Levi b. Joseph al-Dimashqī and Abū Zikrī Yaḥyā ha-Levi b. Joseph ha-Levi dispute the …
3 نسخ 1 ترجمة 1 مناقشة
Legal document or letter. Small fragment. In Judaeo-Arabic. Mentions a sum of 7.5 dinars and someone sitting.
Damaged legal deed, probably a bill of release. If one of the parties will try to take the other party to gentile court he will …
Document in Persian. Nastaʿlīq, diagonally oriented text blocks. Containing at least 3 records dated Safar 1218 AH, Rajab 1218 AH, and Shaʿbān 1221 AH (1803, …
Recto: Ottoman contract of sale of land. Dated Rabīʿ I 1032 AH (1623 CE). Verso: Ottoman legal contract
Legal document. Probably a partnership agreement. Dating: Shortly before Ṭevet 1422 Seleucid, which is 1110/11 CE. The capital may be 50 dinars. Maḥfūẓ and Abū …
Legal document, probably from a ketubba, mentioning sums of money and a chest. (Information from CUDL)
Deed of acknowledgment (iqrār) in Arabic script. The first ~7 lines are preserved and part of two lines in the margin. The acknowledgment is made …
Legal document, probably. In the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. In Judaeo-Arabic. Names [...] b. Efrayim; Yiṣḥaq ha-Zaqen ha-Nikhbad; Isḥāq al-Nafūsī. Also Moshe ha-Nagid Sar …
Court record. Location: Fustat. Dated: Elul 1350 Seleucid = August/September 1039 CE. Banīna bt. Avraham in Alexandria, who had been deserted by her husband Yosef, …
Fol. 3: Legal document. Left side of an agreement with a wife that she would receive the rent from the middle story of a house, …
3 نسخ 1 مناقشة
Deed of acknowledgment (iqrār). In Arabic script. Dated: 962 AH, which is 1554/55 CE. (Or possibly just 960 AH.) Involves ʿAbd al-Karīm b. ʿAlī b. …
Deed of gift, signed by Breakhot b. Elazar. The other signatures are not preserved. The parties Abu al-Muna, and Tamim ha-Parnas. This Tamim is known …
Legal record (#17a). Alimony owed. Pertaining to the first record on the facing page (Yevr.-Arab. I 1700.11, recto, a). "The maintenance (mezonot) incumbent on Bū …
Recto: Possibly a draft of a legal document in Judaeo-Arabic. Needs examination. Verso: Legal document(s) in Arabic script concerning the sale of a house. Unclear …
There are several unrelated fragments sharing this shelfmark, of which the only documentary one is fol. 5. Fol. 5r: Legal document written and signed by …
Partnership document in the "silk business" (עסק המשי). Date: Kislev 5562 AM (1801 CE). Location: Cairo. Several people are named in the opening lines. The …
1 نسخ
Minute fragment, only few words are preserved. Written by Halfon b. Menashshe Halevi (Date: 1100-1138)
Bill of appointment to deliver a get (bill of divorce).
Legal document. Location: New Cairo. Dated: Tuesday, 18 Shevaṭ 1405 Seleucid = 7 February 1094 CE. Declaration by the beadle Yosef b. Shelomo ha-Kohen, that …
Deed of sale of a house, possibly a draft. Fragment (upper left corner). Hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe? (See Goitein's index card for further information.)
1 نسخ 1 مناقشة
Damaged fragment from the bottom of a legal deed, probably 11th century.
Legal document written in Fusṭāṭ, mentioning ha-Levi b. [...] and the elder Abū ʿAlī. (Information from CUDL)
India Book (IB), II, 72. Legal testimony. In Judaeo-Arabic. Location: Fustat. Dating: ca. 1156 CE. Sitt al-Ahl bt. Sayyid al-Kull, the widow of Hiba b. …
שהדותא דהות באכפנא אנ[ן שהדי דחת]מות ידנא לתתא סוף שטרא דנן כן הוה בחדש [...]
בפסטאט מצרים רעל נילוס [נהרא מותב]ה רשותיה דאדוננו שמואל הנגיד ה...
2 نسخين 1 ترجمة
Bill of divorce. Written by Shemuel b. Seʿadya (1165–1203). Husband: Avraham b. M[aymūn?]. Wife: Miryam bt. Ḥabīb ha-Maʿaravi.
Part of a leaf from a formulary (it refers to 'פלניתא בת פל and 'פל' בר פל). (Information from CUDL)
ENA 4011.16a (upper fragment): Legal document or communal accounts. In Judaeo-Arabic. Written and signed by Yiṣḥaq b. Shemuel ha-Sefaradi. Very faded. There are at least …
Minute fragment from a bottom of a legal deed. Only part from the signatures from which tne names Yefet, and [Yeh]uda Hakohen are preserved. AA.
Responsum draft about Reuben who gave Shimon checks to deiver to Baghdad and also lend him money. Shimon pawned jewelry as a guarantee for Reuben …
Formulary for a marriage-related legal document.
Legal fragment (lower right corner). Dating: ca. 14th–16th centuries, based on handwriting. A previous description referred to this as a deed of sale, but there …
Small fragment from the bottom of a legal document written and signed by Halfon b. Menashshe Halevi (Date: 1100-1138). AA
Responsum of the Gaon Shelomo b. Yehuda concerning a woman who proselytized for a man.
Legal document in Arabic script. ولما طالب خصمه المذكور بالقيام له بدليل عمل الى . . . . Unusual format for a legal document, with …
Dowry list. Bride: Jamīla bt. Meʾir. Groom: Netanʾel b. Moshe. The early marriage gift is 10 dinars. Dated: 1169 CE(?).
Recto: Partnership agreement, probably late, between four individuals, including Masʿūd and Yehuda. Much of the space is devoted to how they will behave toward one …
Court record, referring to […] b. Nissim ha-Kohen, someone named Sh[...], and a sum of 4 dinars + 2/3 + 1/8. (Information in part from …
Fragment of a court record containing testimony about a negotiation between Abū l-Faḍl b. Abū l-Majd and Abū l-Barakāt b. al-Dayyān (a.k.a. Shelomo b. Eliyyahu). …
Unidentified document in Arabic script. Dating: Likely Ottoman-era. Needs examination.
Legal document mentioning an elder, Abū Yaʿqūb the parnas and Ibn al-Qaḥṭ[ānī?]. (Information from CUDL)
Legal document. Partnership agreement. Written in the hand of court clerk Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. Yefet b. Avraham and a party whose name is not preserved …
2 نسخين 2 ترجمتين 1 مناقشة