منحة في وثيقة رسميّة: T-S NS 89.4
وثيقة رسميّة T-S NS 89.4- الاقتباس المرجعي
- Geoffrey Khan, Arabic Legal and Administrative Documents in the Cambridge Genizah Collections (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993).
- Relation to document
- Digital Edition
- Digital Translation
Editor: Khan, Geoffrey
Translator: Khan, Geoffrey (in English)
T-S NS 89.4 recto
Petition (Right side)
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ثبت
قد اجاب حضرة مولاى القاضى الاجل اطال الله بقاها
وادام تمكينها وعلاها وسموها وارتقاها ورفعتها
وسناها وكبت حسدتها واعداها الشاهدان
الذان عرفاها بجوابهما المكتتب لها ليرد ما نصاه فيه
من صحة توقيع الحضرة السامية الاجلية القضائية
الامينية السنائية الجلالية الجمالية الفخرية
التاجية عمدة امير المومنين ثبت الله ايامها واعزّ
احكامها واعلمت على كتبهما علامة المعروف
الرسم فى مثله والمضمن ذكر ما اجابها به الفقها
المرسومون بالفتى بسبب الصدقة التى تصدقت بها على
زوجتى خلة ابنة فهد المتوفاة الحصة المذكورة فى الرقعة المترجمة
بسمى من الحوانيت المشار اليها وقبولها منى ذلك
ولم تخرج هذه الصدقة عن يدى ولا تصرفى واستمرت
يدى فى حياتها و (هذ)ه المتصدق عليها
لم تجزها ولا تسلمتها ولا اقامت لها وكيلا
كنابيها والشهود المعدلون بمدينة الفيوم
يعلمون صحة ما ذكرته ويشهدون بحقيقته والرغبة اليها
فى خروج التوقيع اليهم بذكر ما يعلمون من ذلك وبا (با)جابتها
لمضمونه ولها رايها الموفق والارشد ان شا الله تعالى
الحمد لله وحده وصلواته على سيدنا محمد النبى وسلم تسليما
حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل
Endorsement (Left Column)
الحمد لله حمدا يرضيه
ليقف جماعة الشهود المعدلين
بمدينة الفيوم ادام الله عزهم
على هنا المدرج بطنا وظهرا
وعلى ما وقعت به الحضرة السامية
الاجلية القضائية الامينية السنائية
الجلالية الجمالية الفخرية التاجية عمدة
امير المومنين ثبت الله ايامها واعزّ
احكامها الى التالى لما اجابها
به الفقها المرسومون بالفتى ادام الله
عزهم ومن علم فيهم شيئا مما
حكاه مستدعيه فى
استدعايه العزيز لتوقيعي
( ) هذا ال( ) ص( ) الحصة
Right column
His slave Muslim b. ʿAbd al-Jabbār.
2. In the name of God, the merciful and compassionate. Registered.
3. My lord the glorious judge - may God prolong his life
4. and make eternal his power, his exaltedness, his loftiness, his sublimity, his eminence
5. and his majesty, and crush those who envy him and his enemies - has been sent a reply by the two witnesses,
6. reporting to him in order that the truth of what they state in their reply be ratified by
7. a rescript of the exalted, glorious,
8. trustworthy, majestic, resplendent, beautiful, honourable,
9. crowned presence of the judge, support of the commander of the faithful, may God establish his days and give power
10. to his judgments. An ʿalāma was attached to their document, according to the familiar
11. practice in such matters. The contents included mention of the reply given to him by the
12. jurisconsults authorized to make legal decisions concerning the endowment that I granted
13. to my deceased wife Kulla, daughter of Fahd, namely the portion of the said shops mentioned in the document headed by
14. my name, and her acceptance of that from me.
15. This endowment did not leave my possession and remained at my free disposal and in
16. my possession during her lifetime and this woman, to whom the endowment was made,
17. did not ratify it nor take possession of it, nor did she appoint a representative
18. as her agent. The accredited witnesses in the town of al-Fayyum
19. recognize the validity of what I have stated and testify to its truth. (It is my) request to him to
20. issue a rescript for them, confirming that they recognize this, together with his reply
21. to the substance of it. To him belongs his auspicious and rightly-guided resolution, if God, the exalted, wills.
22. Praise be to God alone and his blessings be upon our lord Muhammad, the prophet, and save him.
23. Our sufficiency is God. What a fine keeper is he!
Left column
Praise be to God, in a way that satisfies him.
2. Let the group of accredited witnesses
3. in the town of al-Fayyum, may God cause their strength to endure, take cognizance
4. of this scroll, both inside and out,
5. and of the rescript issued by the exalted,
6. glorious, trustworthy, majestic,
7. resplendent, beautiful, honourable, crowned presence of the judge, support
8. of the commander of the faithful, may God establish his days and give power
9. to his judgments to me. (This is) pursuant to the reply
10. given to him by the jurisconsults, who are authorized to make legal decisions, may God cause
11. their strength to endure, and by those of them who knew anything
12. concerning what was related by the applicant
13. in his formal request for my rescript,
14. [ ] this [ ] the portion